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Remus pov 

Remus and Scabior were rushing down the hall when they paused at the sight of a door opening. Fenrir stormed out of the room, nearly breaking the door down off its hinges but did leave a large dent in the wall. Remus never saw Fenrir that angry before. Sure he seen how mad he could be, but this was even something that Remus was shocked to see. Remus was just about to ask Scabior what could piss Fenrir to that point when Hermione walked out with fresh bite mark on her shoulder. 

"Hermione! Are you okay? Did he do that too you?" Remus asked while rushing over to her to examine the bite wound on her shoulder. Hermione nodded that she was alright as she lightly brushed his fingers away. Scabior lightly whistle while gazing over her shoulder. 

"Yeah, that's Alpha's alright. I know how that feels. Got a couple when I was starting out in the pack. Don't worry, love, it will take awhile to get used to but you'll get to handle it once you get used to the pack life." Scabior claimed to her with a bright smile plastered on his lips. The air suddenly got tense as Hermione darted her eyes to the side.  Remus sensed it real quick. 

"Hermione? Do you want to live in the pack?" Remus asked her. Hermione was about to open her mouth when Scabior cut in. 

"Of course she does! Right, beautiful? You get to stay with me and Alpha, learn the way of the werewolves and gets to live the life of a Mistress. Most important, we can do our lovely dance in the bedroom every night." Scabior claimed with a bright grin and a wink. Remus glared at Scabior. 

"I was talking to Hermione," Remus said before turning to Hermione, "Do you want to live in the pack or not?" 

"I think not..." Hermione mumbled under her breath. Remus could feel Scabior's glare as he pushed Remus to the side to get closer to Hermione. 

"What the bloody hell do you mean? Aren't we good enough for you?" Scabior asked, a bit rudely. Remus knew this trick that Scabior was playing. Scabior was trying to guilt trick Hermione into changing her mind. He knows because Scabior tried to play the trick on him. Remus step in between Hermione and Scabior. 

"She has the right to deny being in a pack or not. Even if she is marked either by bite or sex. Remember the rules, Scabior?" Remus demanded Scabior. Scabior growled at Remus before stomping away while bumping himself against Remus and causing him to nearly fall. Hermione gently pulled Remus back to his feet. 

"That was scary. I never seen either one of them mad." Hermione claimed while she rubbed her arms. Remus nodded, mumbling about how he had. 

"Don't worry Hermione. Once the moon passes, you and the boys will be moved away so you do not have to deal with this. By the way... what made you want to not be in the pack if I may?" Remus questioned her. Hermione shrugged her shoulders. 

"Narcissa came to see her son, but Fenrir told her basically to fuck off. Actually made shots at her for them treating him badly. I cut in and told her where Draco was. She was grateful for that... Fenrir on the other hand decided to slap me, then slam me on the ground before taking a bite out of me."  Hermione explained, "He told me how I disrespected him by speaking my mind and going with what I felt was right. Basically being who I am. So I thought, if that is going to be how he is going to respond to that, I am not going to make it out alive." 

"Oh, Hermione.... I am deeply sorry you had to deal with that." Remus told her as he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. Hermione nodded before gazing up. 

"But like you said, I have the right to leave the pack anytime I want." Hermione stated with a grin. 

*Time skip dinner time* 

Hermione POV 

Evening started to fall when a loud bell started to ring out to call everyone to dinner. Hermione walked alongside Harry and Ron, who were glad to see her again, to the dining hall. Hermione gasped to see it had seemed to expand to become even bigger to fill up most of the werewolves. Werewolves of every age and race sat at the long table that was covered in tons of different food ranging from turkey and ham, fresh fruit and vegetables, to deer and fish. 

They could tell by the chair that appeared more like a throne was probably for Fenrir just as the one beside it  that was slightly smaller but still throne like was for Scabior. Hermione decided she would sit away from those seats, since she couldn't possibly sit near those two right now. They decided they were going to sit somewhere in the middle until a familiar voice called to them. 

"Hermione, sweetie!" Hermione turned to see Marie walking over to her. 

"Marie, it's been so long since I've seen you." Hermione told her. Marie walked over to them and smiled her cheery smile. 

"Hermione, you're the mate to Alpha and his second-in-command Beta... you have to sit beside them." Marie stated to her. 

"Sorry, Marie, but we're not on good terms right now. I think it would be best if I sat away from them." Hermione told her. 

"I hate to be like this, but it's the rules. I hope you understand." Marie told her. Hermione didn't know why it was important for her to sit near Fenrir, but she decided against arguing. She couldn't afford to get Marie into trouble. So Hermione nodded in understanding (figured Fenrir and Scabior were going to plan to sweet talk her back to them) and headed towards the front.

 Once she was seated, she heard the door swing open. Peering over her shoulder she saw both Scabior and Fenrir walking in. The whole room stood up for the two, which she did the same in order to not get glared at or worse, and waited till Fenrir and Scabior sat down before sitting with the rest. 

"Before we begin," Fenrir called out to the pack, "I would like to make an announcement. Tonight, we not only celebrate the first turning for Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy..." Fenrir paused so the pack could clap for her and Draco, who she saw was near the end of the table where she desired to be away from Fenrir and Scabior, "But we celebrate the fact, I have finally decided on a mate." 

While everyone was mumbling on who it could be (even though some could guess), Hermione's heart began to pound within her rib cage as he pulled out a gold chain with a sapphire moon rimmed in diamonds. Slowly Fenrir walked around Hermione's chair as he held it around till it was perfectly lined up with her own neck. 

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