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Scabior pov 

He woke to the bright beams of sunlight that pierced through the glass window. He slowly opened his eyes before gazing up and seeing Hermione, looking so comfortable in Fenrir's arm while holding him like he was her pup. Scabior could feel Hermione's fingers brushing with the tips of his hair, but kept snoozing away. 

It was a pleasant look on her with her messy hair, her head in the crook of Fenrir's neck and her allowing him to lay on her stomach. Scabior lightly pushed some of Hermione's hair behind her ear before running the tips of his fingers against her cheeks. Suddenly a light knocking came into the air, which caused Fenrir to shoot up his head as they gaze up towards the door. 

"Alpha?" Marie's voice shot through the door before it opened and she peeked in on them. Fenrir gave a light 'mmm' so not to wake Hermione up. 

"Alpha, Remus is here to talk to you." Marie explained to them. Scabior moaned while he placed his face in between Hermione's breast, lightly nipping the sides of them to earn light sighs from her lips. 

"Did you give him the Harry and Ron?" Fenrir asked her. 

"Yes, sir. But he wants to talk to you about Hermione." Marie claimed to Fenrir. Scabior knew that Remus would mention something about Hermione one way or another. Scabior lightly moved his face on the side. 

"Tell him, we haven't seen her. That she wasn't in the group when we found them." Scabior ordered Marie before returning his face back to her breasts. Marie cleared her throat. 

"Scabior, Remus knows she's here. The boys talked. And I know you two knew they would." Marie claimed to them. Scabior and Fenrir growled at he could hear Fenrir curse under his breath. 

"Fine... bring him in." Fenrir ordered Marie. The door opening caught Scabior's ears as the sound of footsteps walking in came not even a minute later. 

"Hello Alpha." Remus voice spoke out, "I come to acquire the whereabouts of Hermione Granger." 

Scabior chuckled, luckily it was muffled against Hermione's skin. He knew Remus was probably having a hard time telling the woman right in front of him was Hermione. After all, Hermione's hair was all greasy from the passion love making they were doing so it was darker than normal. On top of that, half of Hermione's face was covered because it was pressed against Fenrir's neck. 

"Hermione is fine here. You got your boys, you can leave and never show your ass around here again." Fenrir ordered while nudging his head on Hermione. 

"Hermione belongs with her friends and family." Remus claimed to him. Scabior could feel the anger running through Fenrir's body. Of course, no one could blame him because he is the alpha and here a little outsider is trying to tell him what to do. Fenrir moved himself up a bit more, to remind Remus who was still in charge here. 

"I said, Hermione's fine here. And seriously? Friends? Family? Her family doesn't remember her because she wiped their minds so they wouldn't get killed. You and your buddies are busy fighting Death Eaters left to right. Ron and Harry certainly do not want her because of her werewolf side now. Hermione needs a pack more than anything to get her through the first few changes. Besides, she can make friends and... family here." Fenrir emphasis the world family while rubbing Hermione's stomach, which lightly rubbed Scabior's chest. It was that very motion of Fenrir's hand that caused Remus to step closer to the bed. 

"Is... Is that Hermione?" Remus asked. At that, Hermione's body shifted underneath Scabior as her eyes slowly fluttered opened. Once her eyes landed on Remus, her face turned a deep red. 

"Remus?" Hermione asked while she turned and pulled a pillow from her bed and brought the pillow against her front body to cover herself. Scabior whined when she did that before turning on his back. 

"Okay now that introduction have been made. See ya never, Remus." Scabior shot at Remus. As Scabior wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist, another knock came as a Beta walked into the room. 

"Alpha, you are needed." The Beta said, a little nervously. Scabior didn't like the sound of this because he knew that it meant two things around here. Either something happened to the pups or someone from the pack, or... Scabior started to think when the thoughts were cut off. 

"What is it?" Fenrir asked the Beta. 

"You and Scabior have been summoned by the Dark Lord." the Beta answered. ... that, Scabior's thoughts finished. Fenrir growled while he slipped out from behind Hermione and got out of bed. 

"We will discuss this later. Scabior get up!" Fenrir barked. Scabior whined while digging his face into Hermione's waist.

"I do not know why both of us need to go. I'll stay here and keep Hermione company." Scabior told Fenrir while climbing onto Hermione. Scabior was about to get comfortable when he felt Fenrir's hand around his ankle and he roughly pulled him back on his back. 

"Up! Now!" Fenrir ordered him. Scabior groaned while pushing himself up from the bed so he could get dress and deal with whatever the Dark Lord wanted from them. 

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