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"Twenty, sorry boss..

Twenty two, sorry boss ..

Ahhh.. twenty five sorry boss...


30 mins ago

"Uh- th -th-thank you fo- the ice cream uh-" I stuttered

"Uh - Uh don't stutter you were so brave moving out and telling someone to do your work, and it's 3:58 you have two minutes to reach my office before me and if you delay I'm giving you another punishment," she said as she stood up moving to the exit of the park.

Bitch, haa... You submissive look the office is 20minutes from here good luck.imma be back when we are having fun.


I quickly run out of the park. Waiting by the road for a cab or something.

5minutes later I had successfully got a cab and I was on my way to the office


I knock at her Door waiting for a response.

"Come in" she said and I immediately ran into the office to the front of her table.

"Your forty minutes late come here and lie over my lap," she says clearly angry.

"No.." lucky said with a smirk

"Ok.." she says

Me and lucky were clearly scared..

She stood up and pull me by my ponytail dragging me to the bedroom as I yelped in pain. As I tried to pull back but next thing I know I'm thrown on to a bed and my hands and feet are cuffed.

"What the fuck ok please I'm sorry I won't do it again,"

Funny,Luck is actually giving in.

And she untied the cuffs then sat down and put me over her lap.

" bum up count to 40 every time I spank u and say sorry boss,"

"One,I'm sorry boss

Two, I'm sorry boss....

"Twenty, sorry boss..

Twenty two, sorry boss ..

Ahhh.. twenty five sorry boss...

"Do I look dumb to you start again from 22 to 25 ? Start again,"

"Fuck you," I said

"What did you say ?" She growled and I shook my head.

"One ,I'm sorry boss,


10 minutes later...

I'm crying I'm sobbing like a little bitch ahh it hurts so bad.

"Will you do it again,baby girl?" She asked sweetly.

"Ye-i. Mean no," i replied

"Ok that's good let me massage ur bum and make you fill better,"

I was dripping so fucking wet ,every time she spanked me the toys inside me moved up and down .

She gently massaged my red bum and before I knew it she pulled out the butt plug and I moaned as she put it in again slowly I tried to used my hand to massage my clit but she grabbed it.

Flopped me on the bed and climbed on top of me , yanked my shirt off before roughly sucking on my right boob, then my left , slowly massaging my clit before sitting up and undoing her buttons and removing her black sexy bra bringing out her big boobs , well not bigger than ours , I quickly sat up and started to suck on them one by one like a hungry baby, don't blame me, mommy issues,she pushed me back down and pulled out the metallic balls that were now soaking wet and devouring and sucking my wet pussy , then got a dildo and pumped it in and out quickly and right when I sensed an orgasm she stopped
A minute later she put 2 fingers in rubbing and pumping up and down real fast before pulling Them out and sucking my juices .

"you taste so good... but pick your stuff and leave u have 20minutes and I am picking you up at. 7 am your my assistant now.."

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