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"So, it's but another day at the company with me and my bitches you know typing shit on computers but when it comes to me, uh- I'm kind of a bully though I'm like the shortest here, most people think I'm a sweet angel but if I don't like you I'm not an Angel I will bully you and make you do my work and well yeah I'll just move around giving everyone cupcakes.

Anyways I may look like an Angel but I'm actually 23 and I love porn and sex. And I am a lesbian and no I don't want a daddy like tf when will people stop asking me that I literally don't have interest in guys and I want girls only but I mostly want my boss .....
I want her to myself.

I know I sound like a brat but I'm kinda because I'm daddy's little girl, his really rich and he heads the French mafia and he also does business idc."

I wrote quietly in my diary I wasn't really a talkative person but I had two sides an innocent one and a bratty one people really liked me but some didn't, my bratty side wanted me too be like her well I had DID and yes we are really rich but I went through some shit as a child so I made her or imagined her and now she is always with me, my only friend, she was called lucky

Uh- My diary writing was interrupted by a bang .

"Stop writing in that stupid book you brat come the boss wants to see you." Susan shouted .

I quickly stood up and I was about to cry but my bratty side took over.

"Suzie cupcake don't try me I will tell your husband you had sex with a lesbian," Lucky said pulling out our phone

And she turned to us "I'm so sorry please don't- ",
"Well you Will have to do the rest of my assignments," Lucky said and nodded her head eagerly.


We switched back with Lucky and I was immediately terrified as I knocked at the glass door.

"Come In," she said shit my panties got wet, her voice was so sexy.

I entered the office and there she was spotted typing on her laptop in her normal suit she was really muscular and wow those hands, she looked so sexy with those muscles bulging out of her shirt ahh seggzy

"Are you going to just stand there come here sit down we have something to discuss.," she said rudely.

I quickly sat down and kept my head looking down at my feet.

"I got a report of you bullyin people at the office is it true?"

And I nodded my head it's all Lucky's fault. As tears rolled down

"You don't look like one to bully people you look like an Angel and your very small," she said And shit... Lucky took over.

"Yes I don't but looks lie your only seeing the outside not the inside," Lucky said

"Well stop it it's ur last warning , now get out,"

And we quickly exited.


Nate out anyways well this is a shjort story only like 30 CHAPTERS or 20 I'm kinda lazy but I'm gonna write more lgbt stuff stay tuned see u moro

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