a lesson in eavesdropping.

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30th May, 1986, Malfoy Manor.

*this chapter contains mature adult and sexual themes.*

The time of year was close enough to Draco's birthday that he found the thought of what he may be receiving from his parents to be all consuming. There wasn't a moment where he wasn't thinking where his gifts could be hiding. He had checked the bat house, his father's office whilst he was at work, his mother's study (even under the cushions in there), the kitchen, the laundry- everywhere a seven year old boy could think of. But his gifts had still managed to evade him.

Not that Draco wanted to open them, per say, he just wanted to know they were there, what they looked like, the colour of the wrapping. He would have been quite content just to sit there and stare at them for the days leading up to his birthday.

He had almost run out of ideas until the thought struck him. His parents would have to be talking about them once he had been tucked up in bed for the night- perhaps they were being hidden secretly in their room, only visible at night. Yes, that had to be where they were. And so Draco Malfoy decided that the best plan of action would be to wait up until his parents retired to their room and keep his ear close to the door to find an opportunity to sneak inside.

He was tremendously excited with this plan- what could go wrong? In a seven year olds mind it was flawless. All through dinner his eyes kept darting between his parents. It was a warm day- he and his mother had spent much of the afternoon outside walking and dipping their feet into the pond, so her cheeks were flushed and her hair loose. His father had taken off his tie upon coming home, which was unusual but in no way suspicious. Even if it had been, Draco was far too preoccupied to care. His father's hand on his mother's knee was not unusual, nor was her kissing his cheek as she left the table.

When it came time for his mother to kiss him goodnight he compiled without complaint. Told her he loved her and that he would see her in the morning. Narcissa hummed and put his compliance down to the drowsiness of the heat. She closed the door but left the hallway light on so it could peep through the sliver under the wooden door. And so Draco waited. He waited and waited, refusing to allow himself to fall asleep until he heard his mother's footsteps come back up the stairs. He did not count on her opening his door again. His heart beat in his chest as he lay still. She looked over him before turning to look over her shoulder.

"Asleep." she whispered.

"Good." came the voice of his father behind her before the door shut again. 'Perfect!' Draco thought giddily- they had believed him. He could hardly believe it! He waited until he heard their footsteps trail off down the hall and the door of their bedroom close before jumping out of bed himself.

The hallway was now dark- his mother having extinguished the light after checking on him, but Draco had lived in this house his entire life. This was not the first time he had stumbled to his parents bedroom in the darkness. He sat down beside the door, his ear pressed to the dark wood to listen.

"He isn't the only one who is tired tonight." Narcissa said to Lucius as she sat on the end of the bed running her fingers through her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror across the room as she did so, smoothing the blonde curls as best she could with her fingers. "It was far too hot today and we spent too much time in the sun."

"Lucky you, being locked away in the Ministry will be far less enjoyable knowing you and our son are out frolicking on the grounds." Lucius mused. "Look at your nose, sunkissed completely Narcissa, red as a button."

"Don't be jealous Lucius, it is not becoming on you." Narcisssa purred, laying back on the bed and stretching out, like a cat would, before laying on her side with a sigh.

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