does death do us part?

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Alternate (Dark) Fate of The Malfoy Family post Battle of Hogwarts.

The Room of Requirement.

'Hold it, Potter.' came Draco's voice, not as firm as he would have liked, but good enough. He had run into the room of requirement moments after Harry. He had an entire year to practice getting the room to open for him, so thwarting the Chosen One's quest seemed unproblematic. Crabbe and Goyle were standing behind him, shoulder to shoulder, their wands pointing right at Harry.

'That's my wand you're holding, Potter,' Draco continued, looking at the thin piece of wood between his peer's hands. Something childish in him wanted it back. It belonged to him, not Harry Potter.

'Not any more,' panted Harry, tightening his grip on the hawthorn wand. Draco seethed silently. 'Winners, keepers, Malfoy. Who's lent you theirs?'

Draco tightened his grip on the wand's adorned handle, almost protectively.

'My mother,' said Draco. Harry laughed and Draco's eyes narrowed. How dare he laugh at his mother. How dare he! Draco had a million white hot insults on his tongue, but none of them seemed bad enough to truly inflict the desired amount of pain on the boy standing in front of him. Potter used the silence to his advantage.

'So how come you three aren't with Voldemort?' asked Harry. Draco felt no need to answer his question. Their motives were not of his concern. Actually, they weren't even of Draco's concern anymore. His father had asked him to do something. Perhaps if he succeeded he could go home. He was tired and the ends of his fingers tingled with the cold numbness from months of war.

'We're gonna be rewarded,' said Crabbe. His voice crackle unpleasantly in Draco's ears and he resisted the urge to flinch. 'We 'ung back, Potter. We decided not to go. Decided to bring you to 'im.'

'Good plan,' said Harry. Draco could hear the snicker in his voice. And as if all of a sudden he was aware that this was not, infact, a very good plan at all. He should have come alone. Should have ambushed Potter in silence. Or better yet, he should have brought his Aunt who would have shot a spell in the boy's back without a second thought. Did Harry think he was stupid? He could see him edging back towards the crown carelessly sitting atop a statue. Draco did not care about this. Even if it was important to the Dark Lord. All he needed to do was to get Potter to the courtyard and no more.

'So how did you get in here?' Harry asked and Draco gritted his teeth in annoyance.

'I virtually lived in the Room of Hidden Things all last year,' said Malfoy, his voice brittle. 'I know how to get in.' Draco was content to leave it there but once again Goyle spoke to reveal more of their plan. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice- a Weasley and then a scream- Granger- echoed out over the room and the chaos began.

With a whip-like movement, Crabbe pointed his wand aimlessly at a large pile of miscellaneous and forgotten things, cried 'Descendo!' and thus sent them tumbling to the ground. Draco let out a low growl and a flicker of anger and maybe apprehension crossed his eyes. Harry was calling to his friends earnestly but Draco didn't care. He didn't care about Harry or Goyle (and not even really himself- god he was so tired). But nevertheless he dug his fingernails into Crabbe's arm anyway.

'No!' shouted Malfoy, 'If you wreck the room, you might bury this diadem thing!'

'What's that matter?' said Crabbe, tugging himself free. 'It's Potter the Dark Lord wants, who cares about a die-dum?'

'Potter came in here to get it,' said Draco. He was drowning in impatience to be done with this. His arm was shaking slightly, not with fear but from the cold not even his black coat could keep out- had it always been so draughty in her? 'so that must mean –'

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