Final stages

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Meanwhile at the Monarch headquarters island surveillance room the K-Squad were watching via the cameras

Liam: wow, Moonhidorah's now with the Earth Defenders and going to give birth soon.

Laura: yeah, can't wait to see the kid

Matthew: speaking of kids, I wonder how Jennifer's project doing

Ashley: yeah, it's been two months since she introduced the project to us now

Marisha: speaking of which, there she is!

Jennifer walked in with a smile of pure achievement and success on her face

Sam: your in a good mood, professor?

Jennifer: *chuckles* I am come with me I've got something to show you

Marisha: sure, Professor, lead the way

Jennifer guided the K-Squad to the laboratory and showed them the surprise

It was a giant Mothra egg, inside a test tube

Liam; no way...

Travis: you didn' friggin didn't!

Jennifer: *smiles* I sure did, sensors show that the egg contains not one, but THREE new babies

Laura: wonderful!

Steve: this is insane, so the egg really contains Godzilla and Mothra's babies?

Jennifer: yep Project Daikaiju Ōshitsu, is a success, it's entered its final Stage 4

Marisha: which is?

Jennifer: having the K-Squad deliver the egg to Monster Island and give it to Godzilla personally

Liam: *smiles* we can definitely do that.

Jennifer: great *smiles* I wonder how Godzilla and Mothra will react to their gift.

No one knew the door was left open slightly and peaking through was Robin...

Robin: *walks away* they'll never know it exists

Godzilla Ultimate War - Episode 8Where stories live. Discover now