The Chase

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The K-Squad were settling in the rec room when they saw the Garuda take off from the hangar

Matthew: hm, wonder why the STAKU are being deployed

Jacob: something's not right...

Marisha: let's check on Jennifer and the egg, it must be ready for delivery now

the Squad agreed and went to the lab, each pretty excited to take the egg to Godzilla, but when they arrived...

Laura: what the...this place is a mess! Jennifer!

Marisha manages to wake up Jennifer

Marisha: professor..what happened here??

Jennifer: he..he took it...*tears deep in her eyes*

Marisha: the egg?? who took it??

Jennifer: Robin! he and the STAKU took the egg! they plan to drop it in the volcano on the Mutant Territory! *weeps hugging Marisha*

Travis: that motherfucker!

Tyler: we've got to stop him, whatever it takes!

Jacob: to the Super-X3!

Marisha: i'll stay here to comfort Jennifer, you guys go!

Matthew: right, C'mon, K-Squad!

the rest of the Squad quickly dashed to the hangar, got into the Super-X3 and flew after the Garuda


Varan: i don't believe this...first a Mutant kaiju joins our side, now an Alien kaiju that claims to be King Ghidorah's bride? could this conflict get any weirder...

Manda: not sure, Varan. At least we're winning this war, we keep protecting, they'll give up

then the Garuda flew by with a massive deafening sonic boom

Manda: WHOAH!!!

Baragon: you guys see that!? 

Anguirus: hey, folks

Varan: hey, Anguirus, how's Moonhidorah

Anguirus: going great, she laid the egg some days ago, we've been taking turns taking care of it.

then the Super-X3 flew by with a sonic boom

Baragon: holy crap! where they headed??

Varan: *Realises the direction* their headed for the Mutants Territory...i'm not sure what this is about but i don't like it, let's follow them to see what their up to, c'mon Guardians!

Varan, Anguirus, Manda and Baragon begun to go after the ships

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