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Erin walked up the stairs to the 21st precinct intelligence unit with some amount of hope, a lot had changed since she had left, she had missed a lot. She kept in touch with her father figure Hank and she had tried to come back before Alvin's funeral but she was called in for an undercover assignment for a bomb plot for time square, she regretted not to be able to say goodbye to a much-loved friend and almost like an uncle to her but he was already gone but the tens of thousands commuting through time square were very much alive and she couldn't help but think of the lives of many like Al had taught her to as a rookie cop. All living lives matter whether they were drug addicts, prostitutes or children, everyone mattered, everyone had a family that loved them, so for the first time in 4 years she had stepped foot in Chicago was the same day she would step into the 21st precinct, she was coming home, she was home, she had got a new job and she always thought that she'd get one day, today was her day to the intelligence sergeant at the 21st precinct.

Hank had decided that enough was enough with his job, he was getting older and with his grandson in another state he wanted to see him grow up and play with whilst he was fit and able, so he had spoken to Olive and Erin at length about his decision and had named Erin as his successor to the position he had filled for so many years as sergeant of the intelligence unit because he knew it would be safe with her and he thought that he could finally bring her home to Chicago again. He trusted Jay to be sergeant but Erin had been on the job longer and has a certain clean and non-corrupt image of herself in New York and the head of the 21st precinct wasn't bothered about her return and her coming back, even though the reason she left wasn't entirely clean, but had been highly recommended by much high authority holding FBI agents that she had changed a lot since joining the FBI and she did everything by the book and the law, that her true colours had changed.

Erin had left a lot behind her in Chicago and New York but she was in somewhat excited to coming back home to her old police station she had spent so much time and of her life there, so the 21st precinct would always be home to her, and when Hank told her that he was leaving intelligence she had started to look for a home for her in Chicago, she had sold her old home years ago and she had bought a three-bedroom, but it was more like two bedrooms and an office about 5 miles away from the precinct, it wasn't too far away if there was an emergency, but it was far enough to be away from all the sirens, however she had got used to hearing those quite often in New York.

But the only thing that scared her the most was him. Jay. She had left without saying goodbye and they had broken apart in her last weeks in Chicago but she had never loved anyone in New York or before in Chicago like the way she loved him, he was the one for her and her already he wouldn't be excited to see her but she had to see him first before she could just turn up in intelligence and just say 'ta-da', but she couldn't she knew she needed to but instead she turned up on the first Monday of October to the 21st precinct, said 'Hello' to Sargent Platt and proceeded to walk up the stairs to intelligence.

Sargent Platt had briefed the intelligence team that a new sergeant for intelligence had been picked without anyone's knowledge except Voight and the Deputy chief in command who had approved of the appointment they had been told that they were due to be starting at the beginning of October, and Monday would be their first day. After Trudy announced the news to the team she walked back down the intelligence stairs and texted Lindsay to tell her that she had briefed the team that her arrival would be on Monday. Trudy had gotten excited when she had a coffee at Starbucks with Erin, she had noticed the difference in her the minute she saw her, dressed in black formal paper bag pants, a wite chiffon vest and flaunty black blazer and heels, Trudy knew she had changed just from the fact that she was wearing heels, Erin had always been a boots sort of girl and her hair was highly strewn into a high top ponytail, she looked smart and classy but she looked a long way from the ex-drug addict from the 21st week before she left, she had long blondish brown hair which was a mixture of straight and curled locks. They had sat talking for hours until the Saturday night breeze was coming around and they both nodded goodnight and Erin drove her blacked-out truck to her empty apartment waiting for Monday for her new job to start.

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