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WARNING: Please don't read the second half if you are sensitive to reading about: A case about a child's death and how they are sexually assaulted and then murdered for the case they are working, just to be sensitive only the second half of the chapter contained this part of the storyline.


Erin woke in her giant bed, with only the white sheets on her petite body as he opened her eyes she instantly regretted the whole of the night with the banging thump on her head after the night's alcohol consumption she bargained with herself that she would never drink unless it was a special occasion, which was very few and far between, with the next one being Christmas so she had just had over 2 months to recuperate for this hangover. She couldn't remember how she got into her apartment, but she couldn't remember much after she had drunk a few too many whiskeys with Jay at some bar she couldn't remember the name of and, then he drove them both to Molly's for her congratulations on her new job, other than entering the bar she had no idea what happened from then on.

Erin stared at the wall of windows, she tried to remember what had happened the night before, she had thought she had dreamt that she had told him about her accident in New York, but she realised she hadn't, she was good at keeping secrets and even a drunk Erin could kept secrets, but she realised that she couldn't remember most of the night and she seemed to kind of like it that way, she could just forget because she didnt know what she had done or acted like last night, and after staring for 10 minutes at the autumn scenery outside of her apartment she rolled over her queen-sized bed to find that Kim was spattered across the over half of her bed, with the pair of them in nothing but underwear and vest each on both of them, which wasn't picked with style, the dark hair brunette elbowed her friend to wake her up to tell her they needed to go to work, it was 7.30 in the morning and they had to be in by 9, so it was going to be greasy breakfast and aspirin to get rid of the majority of their hangovers.

Jay woke up with the remainder of his back aching with the reason he rolled over and fell on the ground remembering that he fell asleep on someone's couch. He started around the room and saw Adam lying half on and half of a couch on the other side of a giant living area, he thought that they must have gone to Erin's new apartment because he didn't recognise the place he was in when Kevin walked in.

"BREAKFAST IS SERVED!" Kevin shouted annoyingly trying to wake the rest of the group of friends which made everyone want to kill him because he seemed to be the only one without a hangover out of the 5 of them In the apartment.

Erin walked out of her bedroom with her eyes tensed up in nothing but the oversized vest and underwear and shouted at Kevin to shut up because she had a headache, which woke both Adam and Burgess to that they all congregated around the couch that Jay was laid on, which the food was on the dining table only a few steps away from that couch.

"I can't remember anything nearly from last night, what did we even do?" Erin questioned the rest of her friends.

"Don't even get us started," Adam said as Jay butted in "You and Kim got that drunk you puked on each other so, me and Adam got you of those clothes," Jay said making a pint to say that they were all children when it came to alcohol but Adam countered saying "Don't worry we didn't look at anything." Before the pair of the girls looked at each other and made disgusted faces at the boys who helped them out of their clothes in their drunken state the night before.

"Never again, at least not till Christmas" Erin interjected.

" Let's eat then," Kim whispered as she grabbed a plate and a slice of toast, while the rest of the team walked to the table and picked breakfast items and proceeded to sit on the sofas that seemed to be the only thing that was unpacked from her huge new apartment.

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