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"Woohoo!" Kim shouted while enjoying the alcohol in her system while partying with one of her only female friends in the police. "Erin's Back! Toast! Toast! Toast" Kim chanted.

"Well what can I say, well Kim mainly said most of it earlier, but it's not just for me, Here's to us! To Us!" Erin congratulated the entire team for her return and their return to one unit again, the merging of the old and the new team together.

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" Adam and Kevin chanted to the new unit chief.

"Jesus, you take one a job and it's like a public event," Erin giggled "Well I never thought that I would be back here, never mind with his job, I knew that I left with a lot of smoke behind me, it wasn't exactly the best send-off that I could have had it I've told you all, but time has gone, and now, here is to my future in Chicago, our future, here's to Chicago and you lovely lot." Drunk Erin sobbed as she hugged Kim with her vodka tonic in her hand, while Kim cried with her cocktail spilling down her dress as she went for a huge hug with Erin, while the rest of the team joined in for a group hug, while Jay still seemed distant, he was proud of her accomplishments but he thought it would forever be awkward between the two of them, even if it was him making it that way, you can't just turn off feelings or memories that he was going to full-on propose to the love of his life in the middle of their favourite bar.

The drinks within the two women were making them act in ways that many of the members on the team never see before, but this time, Erin wasn't drinking out of addiction to drugs or to mask the pain from her past this time it was to have fun to have time to celebrate her achievement in making Sargent at the one place she could truly call home, but Kim was just celebrating for the time being that it was 3 women against 3 men in the unit, and they could team up like then often did before, and she finally had her friend back in Chicago where she could see her every day and that it was once every 3 months only if they had time to talk, it could be any time of the day and for hours if they wanted.

"Herman, can I have one round of beer at that table please?" She exclaimed.

"Coming right up, It's good to have you back kid," Herman replied as he gave her a quick hug over the counter of the bar.

"Thank you, it's glorious to be back!" Erin drunkenly swung her head back emotionally as tears rolled down her eyes with excitement and joy that she had returned home, finally to the place she belonged the most.


As they all entered the club, all of them pretty much drunk as they had got to last call at Molly's and was still drinking heavily they had all got a taxi to the nIghtclub with Kevin being the least drunk out of everyone, more 90s music started to play, with songs fading in and out like the waves of the sea, with party tunes requested by some young adults.

"Come on Vodka shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!" Kim begged.

"I'm in for it!" Erin screamed over the top of the loud club music.

"F*ck it, I'll have them" Adam drunkenly declared.

"Pass them here then" Jay caved.

"Okay, not too many, I don't want to get a hangover." Hailey accepted, while Kevin just nodded accepting the challenge from his former partner.

Kim passed around three shots each for every member of the team who had come out to celebrate. The started to toast one shot to Intelligence, downing the alcohol in one, all of them then wincing at the after taste of the alcohol, the second toast was to Erin's return and then they didn't know what the third shot toast would be so they just drank it straight after the second one, as they went back from the table to bar to grab a round of beers to settle their stomach with lighter alcohol, however, the majority of them were becoming or was already drunk, which Erin, Kim and Adam had been drunk as they had left Molly's but they didn't want to end the night that soon so they went clubbing. The entire team except for the new return of Antonio who would join them on another night, were all in the middle of the dance dancing like kids to the ironic 90s music when two lovers ran towards the DJ holding hands being as drunk as you could possibly get in a club to request a love song to dance too, the music faded out and 'Still Falling For You' by Ellie Goulding started to play on the huge speakers in the nightclub.

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