Chapter 4

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[CI]Mark continued to sing, the lyrics was what he was saying, sometimes it was hard to tell what he was singing about. "No need to imagine... cause I know it's true, they say 'all good boys go to heaven', but bad boys bring heaven to you... it's automatic... it's just what they do... they say 'all good boys go to heaven', but bad boys bring heaven to you..." He was basically saying his ex was a good lover but he was an bad influence. Anti rolled his eyes "having fun is childish?" He said back to him and he wrapped an arm around Dark and he chuckles "Come on! This job gets so boringgggg..!" He groaned, he liked messing with Dark and pissing him off. He knew how to push his buttons.

[CI]The fans continued to sway with their phone light on singing with mark. Dark looked over at Anti "having fun gets people hurt or even worse killed on this job, I'm not having someone's blood on my hands because you are acting delinquently." He softly snapped back at the other. Anti did know how to grind darks gears, some times dark just wanted to strangle the other. He felt anti touch him "get your filthy hands off me," he moved Anti's arm off of his dark colored skin.  "we'll then bring that to the boss and not me. Better yet why don't you just quit," he said keeping his eyes out on the crowd still looking out for any red flags

[CI]"I still remember that moment we met, the touch that be planted the garden he left, I guess the rain was just half the effect, no need to imagine, cause I know it's true, they say 'all good boys go to heaven', but bad boys bring heaven to you, it's automatic, it's just what they do.. they say 'all good boys go to heaven', but bad boys bring heaven to you..." Mark had finished the song, the crowd cheered and clapped for Mark, they had loved the new song. Anti rolled his eyes, he took many things as a joke. But there was times he could be serious. "No one is going to die, drama bitch." He said as he rolled his eyes and he let his arm fall back onto his side as he frowned "oh come on, I just wanted to talk to you asshole." Anti growled s to him. Then the crowd began to try to climb the stage to get to Mark.

[CI]Dark heard the crowed cheer and he calmed down a little knowing the song was over. He scoffed at Anti "well it's a possibility better safe than sorry," he said. Dark blocked out what anti said as he saw the crowed get a little too close he walked over and grabbed antis wrist "get the west side illl get the East," he said and he managed to make the fans back up "alright guy back up, getting too close. We don't want this to get ugly," he said to the people posing a small threat

[CI]Anti rolled his eyes "fine fine whatever you say, Goth Boy." He told him he then growled as he yanked his hand away from Darks grip "don't fucking touch me." He told him and he walked to the eat part where Dark had said, he then shook his head and he bares his teeth, making the fans back up from his presence. The fans whines and they backed up and back onto the ground of the concert floor, Mark backed up and he went backstage. "Fuck fuck... they are giving me a panic attack.." Mark mumbles to himself "uh.. can someone please get me some tea..?" He asked as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He enjoyed the fame, but some fans were too crazy and they scared him. Thank fuck he had Dark by his side... he knew he was perfect.. for the job of course, when he laid eyes on him.

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