Chapter 5

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[CI]Dark looked at anti and didn't even bother to respond to him or his saying if don't touch me. Dark had been called far worse things so he didn't take it to heart. Dark was now able to get back to his post and watch, he notice mark had left to go to backstage. He knew that the small incident would overwhelm him so he looked at anti and signaled to him that he'd be back in ten to fifteen minutes and that anti would need to have full attention on the crowd. Dark went to see Mark "everything alright?" He said, sure he was a guard but he wanted to be able to support and be there for mark in other ways other than just keeping the fans at a safe distance. Dark grabbed a stool and set it down for mark and then another for himself "don't worry me and anti have them under control now." he said. Dark spoke in such a intimidating tone and rarely ever didn't speak without that tone

[CI]Anti nodded over to Dark, saying that he understood him and he walked over to the Edge of the stage, keeping Marks fans off his stage and to make sure they didn't bother him. Mark looked up to Dark and he sat down on the stool and he nodded "alright... thank you, and Anti," he gave a soft smile, he wasn't like other stars, even though he was rich and spoiled, he still had his manners and his heart. His mother had helped it. He nodded as he took in deep breaths "fuck... why do I get so overwhelmed over a small thing..? And I have to be out there to sign autographs in a minute.."

[CI]Dark looked at mark, he nodded "you are welcome" he said. Dark knew mark still had a heart of gold. He knew mark was different than the other famous people, he wasn't a snobby prissy brat. He got up got mark some water and handed it to him "just relax take deep breathes" he said "the more you let it worry you the worse the anxiety will get. In through the nose slowly out of the mouth" he said "if you want you can call off the autographing, you don't need to do those things unless you want to." He added, trying to reassure the red haired male.

[CI]Mark nodded as he took Darks advice and he continued to breathe slowly, in and out, soon he was calm enough for his facial expression to be calmer along with his personality. With his money, he does a lot of charities and posts them on YouTube. He was famous in more ways then just being a singer/musician. Mark shook his head as he crossed his arms "no I'm fine..I can do it, I'm a big boy." He chuckles softly as he joked around a bit. Which was also part of his personality. He stood from the stool, he wasn't really sure if he had anxiety, but other times. He grabbed a pen. "Holy shit there's a lot of people.." then he walked into the crowd and he held out his pen and began to sign shirts, chests, even a few Breasts.

[CI]Dark was pleased mark listened to him. He could tell mark soon enough calmed down, dark knew mark was one of the most generous people on the earth that had money. Dark knew if mark could, Mark would give all of his money to charity, very last penny he had dark knew mark would give it away. Mark was a good guy and the whole world knew it, not many people were like mark. Dark nodded "alright then let's go" he said and walked with mark and helped him out with keeping mark safe.

[CI]Mark nodded as he stood beside Dark and he began to walk out, he loved his fans to death, but sometimes... they could be a little much for him to handle. The fans screamed again as they saw Mark walk out onto stage. He nodded as he held a sharpie and he began to sign their posters, and a few chests, the back of phones, Mark didn't mind signing autographs, or taking pictures with his fans, which he did every time after an concert. Mark turned to see a man in an black trench coat, with shades and a sunshade hat on. He turned to Dark and he gave him a signal that he felt uneasy about him. "Mark Mark!! Can you sign my thigh?" A few would ask, Mark would just chuckle and decline, feeling uncomfortable with that, even though he was a big star, he's hasn't had much sex. He was a bit of a virgin.

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