Chapter 6

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Dark stood next to mark but just three feet away from marks left. He watched the others squeal and ran over to Mark and getting their pictures and signatures with Mark. He notice Mark did the signal and looked around seeing the tall shadow like figure. He walked over and went up to the person "I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises." He said sternly

The man looked up to Damien and he raised his eyebrow "why? I was just standing here. You can't make me leave for that." He said, Mark continued to stand and give autographs, he grabbed another sharpie and signed and took pictures, some girls asked for Mark to sign their breasts, Mark would chuckle "no no, I'm good." He says and sighed their arms, Mark felt at ease as he watched Dark walk up to the man.

Dark rose a brow "I can make you leave. I have the authority, now then explane the trench coat the glasses and hat. I'm taking you to security and we're going to Pat you down and check to see if you actually bought a ticket" he said grabbing the other and taking him to the room The man rose a brow as he eyed the other man up and down. "Because I want to wear it. Isn't that a good enough reason?" He asked as he rose a brow, the shades and the hat covered his facial features. He sighed as he let Damien drag him into another room. "Oh come on!! I was just seeing my favorite singer like everyone else here!" He told him and he looked to him and the man examined his facial features... handsome.

Dark scoffed a little "You look suspicious you'll be treated like you are a threat. No one here is wearing any of those clothes" he argued softly. He took the hat and the glasses off they stripped him of the trench coat and he payed him down and waved a wand to detect any metals and made the man empty his pockets and they searched for the ticket that would bring that man to the concert, "Yeah I look like a rapist don't I?" He jokes, The man rolled his eyes, when he was stripped from a few items on his body, his facial features were like Antis, but his hair was a darker green and his clothes were all black. His eyes seemed to be a dim red. He looked up at Dark, then the metal detector went off, he had handcuffs. "Uh- Dont you think you should buy me a drink after touching me like that?" He jokes charmingly.

Dark furred his brows "you need to shut your mouth." he snipped at the other. He noticed the features and everything, he was going to look out for him again if they ever crossed paths at another concert. "Do you wanna explain these?" He said looking at the cuffs. "Listen here stop with the fucking games or this isn't going to go well for you" he added "now explain." he demanded. His voice only getting a more demeaning tone. The man rolled his eyes "oh wow real creative words." He said and he widened his eyes at the sight of the handcuffs, he raised his eyebrows "well.. I found them at a hotel before I came here. I'm not from around here." He tells Damien as he looked into his eyes "what? Can't a guy just joke around?" He asked, trying to swoon Dark in some ways to get out of the situation easily.

Dark nodded "I don't believe the bullshit you are trying to feed me. Wanna try again?" He said. Dark looked right back I to the others eyes "where's your ticket?" he also demanded answers not making a remark on the other just wanting to joke around, this man could try and try and try to swoon dark brown it wouldn't work

The man rolled his eyes "that's the true story. They have that shit in there for kinky sex." He says and he continued to stare at him as he groaned, knowing he wasn't going anywhere with this man with his swooning. "My ticket is right here." He says as he pulled out an hand drawn out, it looked almost like the exact ticket it took to get in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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