All Alone

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[Third Person P.O.V]

After everyone had left, it was time to clean up the remnants of the party. Using their speed, everything was done in at least half an hour.

When their home was silent, everyone was alseep. Hope and Henrik would be staying Mystic Falls, and their clothes along with their books would be brought the next day.

Hayley and Klaus laid silently in bed, huddled in each other's embrace.

Hayley tossed and turned in bed. She was having another nightmare. In the years that followed of Hayley getting her witch powers back, she'd get nightmares often. They were happening more and more.

This one was different.


Hayley breathed shallow breaths as she ran. The darkness chased her, calling her name in dark bliss.

"Leave me be!"

She wanted nothing to do with this darkness. She's had her fair share, and it's not something she wants.

She began to run faster upon seeing a woman figure walking towards her. The darkness raced with her, only reaching out to try and grab Hayley. It's eyes were that of royal blue, and something in them was angry.

Hayley felt something curl against her leg but before she could shake it loose, it yanked on her ankle making her face slam into the floor and she screamed as she was dragged to lay in front of the woman.

Hayley shook with fear, and the woman laughed. She leaned into a crouch, and caressed Hayley's face.

'I've missed you.'


'You look as you did back when I was young.' Hayley gasped as the woman's eyes turned to a bloody red.

'And I want nothing but to tear those perfectly round eyes from your skull, and make you feel the pain I did in that prison.'

"What?" Hayley asked in a shuddered voice, and a grin formed on the woman's face.

Suddenly, Hayley was in a room and a black tar like substance filled the room. Right in front of her, it was as if Hayley was in a glass box.

Hayley felt the tar drowning her, and reached forward, and ran towards the glass for help. "Please! Help me!"

'Why should I help you when you let me suffer for 1000 years?'

'What are you talking about? I've never seen you!" Hayley said finally infuriated, when she moved her lips again, tar filled her lungs, taking her breath and choking her.

Hayley drowned into the darkness feeling as if her mind were slipping into a coma.

'Enjoy the darkness, Mother.'

Hayley's eyes snapped open, and she instantly pulled herself away from the bed and threw up. It was like the black tar from her nightmare and it scared her. She felt Klaus move in the bed, and puked more. She closed her eyes, and felt Klaus mumbling.

"Hayley? What's the-,"

He saw her throwing up. She threw up more and Klaus moved out of the bed and over to his wife. "Hayley. Hayley what happened?

I-I don't-," Hayley only glanced at him before she puked more. "I'm calling Freya. Can you make it to the bathroom without throwing up?"

After Hayley wiped her lips, she nodded.

Klaus bound down the hallways before knocking on his elder sister's door. She came to the door with a groggy expression.

"Niklaus? What is the meaning of waking me up this early? It's Hayley she's throwing up. So? It's probably too much food.

Freya, please. It's black."

Freya was awakened fully to this. Storming out her room, she pushed past Klaus. "Call Bonnie. Why? What's happening? Do it!" Freya ordered busting into the now empty bedroom and ran toward the bathroom and came to stand at the open door.

Hayley laid on the floor, spread out and her clothes seeped in a dark liquid. She was shaking her head and crying.

"Please don't hurt them. Please." Hayley pleaded, and Freya rushed over. She crouched next to Hayley and waved her hand into her face.

Hayley wasn't seeing Freya. She was seeing someone entirely different.

The woman from her dream.

"For my pain and suffering, I will end those all around you. But first, I must come alive again."

Hayley was confused and scared but shook her head.

"No. Please stop!" She shouted before the black sickly woman from her dream entered her mouth, making Hayley turn and fall into a fit of coughs.

She gripped her throat, feeling as if something was trying to fight bast her clenched lungs.

She coughed blood, feeling the insides of her throat being clawed at.

"Hayley!" Klaus came to stand in the doorway and watched as Hayley coughed with her eyes squeezed shut.

Then, Hayley gasped, her eyes flying open and she got on her knees. Freya looked Hayley in the eyes and gasped.


"Her eyes." Freya exclaimed before Hayley started coughing again but this time, a dark wisp of smoke came from her mouth and darkened the room.

The lights flickered for a few seconds before stopping, and Hayley fell to a heap on the floor.

When The Shadows Haunt Us {Book Three In The Klayley Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now