Truth Of The Child

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Hayley was just as confused as she was 20 minutes ago when they started their journey down the hall.

She had no clue who this woman but she was definitely familiar to Hayley. This was so close to hers. She just can't put her finger on it.

"Can you at least tell me one of your names, please? As you wish. My names is Hamonra. That was my name before it was changed by the mortals. Are you saying your immortal? What magic made you?"

Hamonra chuckled lightly looking over at Hayley who looked like a curious baby. "I am the magic, my child. I am no mortal and neither are you. I am the goddess your family worshipped for over 100 years.

Wait." Hayley stopped, looking to the floor. Hamonra stopped too, looking at Hayley. "You mean, you're the reason for my powers?"

Yes. Is something the matter?" Hayley gritted her teeth, looking up at the goddess angrily. Tears prickled at the edge of her eyes.

"Because of you and this damn power the people I cared for left me! I was tortured because of this stupid power!

It was a gift-,"

"Gift?" Hayley scoffed, tears pouring from her eyes. "What I got wasn't a gift. It was a curse. It was because of that curse, I-I was broken. And no one loved me for 14 years! 14 whole years I was trapped away from the world.

If it wasn't for my only frined I would have probably killed myself! Is that what you wanted? For me to kill myself!?

But that was not my fault. It most certainly is! Why didn't you take your power back!? I know you could, so why didn't you!?"

Hayley shouted, fisting her skirt. Hamonra only looked at her in sandess.

She felt bad. But what she did was right. If she hadn't done it, Hayley's life along with her children's lives would have been doomed from the start.

"I am sorry, Hayley. I know that giving you this power was not good but, Greta is gone and can no longer hurt you or your children.

I know she did not have any children because she was infertile. She couldn't even if she tried.

That doesn't make it better." Hayley mumbled meekly, wiping her eyes then crossing her arms.

"I don't want an apology or an excuse. I want you to fix it. How? I want you to stop this darkness that wants to destroy my family.

You must first learn the truth. Then show me. I'm ready to listen as long as I can save my kids. If I can save them, then nothing else matters."

Hayley said, and Hamonra nodded. "Come along, we're here." Hayley's head snapped up and she sped walked over to the moon goddess.

"Be prepared my child." Hayley took a deep breath and nodded. They crossed the threshold of a new room. "This journey, started long before you were born. We must go to the start...,"

Hamonra said, and marking the last that Hayley remembered before she was blinded by a light then a darkness.

When Hayley opened her eyes again, she was standing an unfamiliar place. She was standing in a cloud palace of some kind.

Someone stood in front of Hayley, and she gasped at who it was.

A woman, Hamonra to be exact. Hayley was confused. She turned and saw Hamonra standing next to her.

"I casted a spell, do not be frightened. We aren't seen nor heard. We are in my memories. I was not born human. I was born an African American goddess, already chosen to the be goddess and Governor of the moon and the magic that came with it.

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