You And I?

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After Hayley and Klaus returned back inside, she agreed to let her stay at their home but, she had to have magic chains in her at all times, no exceptions. Hope and Henrik didn't like it but they delt with it. Once they did get home, everyone went off to their room except Henrik. He couldn't sleep so he slipped out back.

What surprised him was that Heidi was also there. "Hey." He startled her, and she glared at him. He raised his hands. "Just me. I'm not going to do anything to you. Can't sleep is all." He said, going to stand next to her.

They sat at the edge of the pool, staring at the clear water. "Heidi are you okay?" He looked at her, and she glanced at him. When he stared he really saw her looks and she was beautiful. She had brown hair, it was almost black, and mesmerizing blue eyes. Her face reminded him so much of his sister. But at the same time, of Josie. "What do you mean? I mean how are you taking this in? No only were you just revived from the dead, but your own grandmother manipulated you into killing everyone and eventually killed your dad forcing your mom to kill you. You don't just...recover from that." Henrik explained, and Heidi nodded.

"I thought you wouldn't care. You saved my mom. I got to at least ask. At least someone does. Your mother, your father and your aunt already hate me. Why would they care for my feelings? They don't hate you. Oh really?

They're just worried about me and Hope. During my mother's pregnancy, she was constantly targeted by the witches because Dad's mom, Esther wanted us for power. I know what it's like to have your grandmother after you. And it hurts.

My parents can be a bit of hard on convince but it'll be easier once I prove a point. Starting with this." Henrik snapped her chains off, and set them down right in between them. "Henrik your parents will kill you!" Heidi said, and Henrik shrugged.

"For what? Helping us? Saving my mother from the doorsteps of death?

"Giving your father a black magic infection. That you can fix. You are a guest not some prisoner. Plus, you're alive now. My parents need to respect that."

Heidi sighed at that. "But technically, I'm still dead. I know nothing of this new world. What a phone is, a vehicle. I missed that.

How do I start a life after being dead for centuries? I don't know. But we'll figure this out together. I promise. How so?" She asked him and he smirked.

"You'll see."


"Henrik Leroy Mikealson." Hayley stood in front of her son. Everyone stood in the courtyard, tension running high in the room. Henrik and Heidi were sitting side by side on the sofa, with Hayley in from of them, holding the chains tight in her hand.

"Mom. Let me explain-,"

Did I or did I not make it clear that you are not to take off her chains? Mom. Answer the question." She said with barely controlled rage.

"Hayley, maybe we should take this easy and slow-,"

Back off." Hayley didn't even look at Freya. She had her eyes on Henrik and the witch next to him. "Did I or did I not make it clear not to take off her chains? You did. Then why did you take off her chains? Because she isn't our prisoner.

Heidi has every right to be free as the rest of us. And you can't use her making you kill as an excuse this time, Mom. We all know that you would have stayed in that coma if it weren't for her and it would have taken you at least another hour to get to us.

You taught me to do what I think is right. What's right is to unchained her. She was manipulated, she did manipulate us but she saved you. And she agreed to help us. If we put chains on her, we're no better than Gwendolyn who started this."

Henrik was right and Hayley knew it. She's been using Heidi as an excuse and while she did do some sucky things, she did save her. And for that, Hayley needs to say thank you.

"Henrik let me have a moment with Heidi. Alone." Henrik nodded, and Hayley took Heidi upstairs into her room. She spelled it so no one could hear what was going on. "Heidi, I owe you an apology and a thank you. You did save my life and weakened Gwen to the point she had disappeared.

I shouldnt have chained you, and while I am not your mother, I am proud of you. And what you do to my son. And as a thoughtful person, I'll keep your secret. My secret?" Heidi rose a brow. Hayley smirked.

"I may not be your age but I know that look. That look of love and adoration. You have those eyes on my son. I give my full approval. But if you hurt him, you know what's coming." Heidi was red all over. She couldn't even form a sentence. She was that way as they came back to join the others.

"What did you tell her? How babies are made? That's between me and her. You can ask all you want, but I will spill nothing." Hayley said with a smirk. Heidi snapped out of it, feeling a hand in hers. "I'm taking Heidi out for the ingredients she needs to help dad. We'll be back. Wait I'm coming too!" The twins and Heidi rushed put the compound leaving the adults speechless.

Rebekah was first to break the silence. "But seriously, what did you say to her? Oh you know, the birds and the bees." Hayley said walking away. Everyone had their eyes on her as she smirked. "Or did I?"

"Oh come on!"

When The Shadows Haunt Us {Book Three In The Klayley Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now