RWBY - [Chapter 20] - The Fallen Rises

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Sooo... I won the tournament for Beacon Academy, that's great and all but what now? I pretty much fucked up the canon in more than one way and one of them is not my fault! Either way, after the match and having a good talk with Eirwen, I met up with the teams again and getting congratulated for the good fight. Most of them questioned me how the fuck was I able to carve up a huge chunk of the arena into the air but I just told them it was a secret.

Anyway, the fact that I fucked up the main story to the point Cinder and her goons are now openly wanted criminals makes it even more complicated on the future of this RWBY AU. Will they still try and take down Beacon and steal the Fall Maiden's powers? Or will they bid their time until it comes at the right time? Who knows?

Now, if I'm correct and remember correctly, Pyrrha should be called up to Ozpin's office where Qrow is also waiting for her then she's gonna ask a question that will probably turn her into a target of Salem's. Yes, that should be right... then why the fuck am I in the elevator going toward the said man's office with Pyrrha?

"Hey, Y/N?" The said girl spoke out, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, what is it?" I replied.

"Do you have the faintest idea why we were called up to the headmaster's place?" Pyrrha asked.

"Not really, as far as I know, the only plausible conclusion is because of my victory. Not to be bragging, of course." I answered.

"Speaking of which, good job!" Complimented the spartan.

"Aw, stop it. You're making me blush!" I retorted, smiling as we shared a chuckle, a chuckle that I hope we can continue in the future if I manage to stop Cinder.

"Oh, looks like we're here." Pyrrha remarked as the doors opened and we stepped into Ozpin's office with the familiar clocks and ticking greeting us.

"Glad you've both made it, Mister L/N and Miss Nikos." Ozpin greeted as I noticed Qrow standing at the side, chugging down his flask as usual.

"Is there a particular reason you called us here, sir?" I inquired before the old man gestured at the two chairs in front of him.

"Take a seat and I'll explain everything." Ozpin answered as we complied, I was already prepared to shut off since I knew what is coming.

"Professor Ozpin, what do need of us?" Pyrrha asked before the said man's face turned into a mystifying one, as always. Sly old coot.

"Tell me, Miss Nikos. What is your favorite fairy tale?" Ozpin questioned, here we go.

"I do believe it is the Tale of the Four Seasons, it was my mother's favorite story." Replied Pyrrha.

"Then can you remember what the tale talks about?" Ozpin questioned as the spartan nodded before starting.

"There once lived an old hermit in a small cottage who is then visited by four sisters with all of them kindly teaching the hermit in their own unique way."

"The first sister, Winter taught the hermit to meditate and reflect, the second sister; Spring brought him flowers and fruits as well as revitalizing his garden. Summer, the third sister convinced him to step out and embrace the beauty of the world, the last one; Fall asked him to be thankful of what he has."

"Touched by their actions and words, the old man repays them by giving them great powers and the four sisters go throughout Remnant spreading their gifts... but what does this have to do with anything?" Questioned Pyrrha as she finished the tale which I also snapped back to reality.

"Let me tell you this, Miss Nikos. What if I told you that the tales are true? And the four maidens truly did exist?" Ozpin stated as the spartan blinked once then twice.

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