Starting In Beautiful Rooms

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Lara Jean quickly strode with her head down to her car in the apartment complex parking lot. She heard the slam of her beat up Kia's door and huffed out a deep breathe. She turned the key in the ignition and rolled up the sleeves of her old college sweatshirt. She peered into her rear-view mirror. He didn't go after her. She stifled her tears and rubbed her eyes, making them redder than they already were. She turned on whatever pop song was on the radio to drown out her negative thoughts.

She couldn't believe she allowed herself to do this.

Lara Jean carried the last of her bags up to her childhood bedroom. She plopped down on the end of her bed and stared at what was left of her childhood. It used to be her cozy and cheerful personal paradise, with a teal bird mural and mismatched furniture that somehow worked together. She had trinkets from family trips and pictures of her mom & sisters when they were young sprinkled across the room. They were gone now.

The room had been redone when she was officially living on her own. Trina and her dad had asked for permission first but that didn't matter, it no longer felt like hers. She glanced over at the boxes and bags of everything she owned piled up in the corner. She can't believe she had to move back.

After college, she found a new home in Asheville, North Carolina. She got a job at an event planning firm and made a comfortable life for herself. She loved the quaint feel and specialty shops just steps away from her doorstep. Her apartment was snuggled in the Arts District and she loved walking through the crisp air on a fall day. She was confident that this was where she was meant to be. The universe had different ideas.

Six months ago, her dad announced on a family Facetime that he was diagnosed with cancer. Stage 3 Leukemia. She felt her world stop. Her dad was so healthy. He took miles long walks every weekend & went to Yoga twice a week with Trina. She stayed in denial for the first few months until she came back to see him for the first time. He was so skinny & looked frail. He used to be her superhero when she was younger. She couldn't stand the idea of losing another parent. Her dad was her north star, her guiding light through life. She didn't know what life would be without him.

Lara Jean's bi-monthly visits turned almost weekly. She felt like she was the only one who could be there easily. Kitty was living on the west coast and Margo couldn't leave Ravi with their kids so much. She took the brunt of it with Trina, her step-mom.

Two months ago, Lara Jean felt her life explode even more. She was suddenly let go of her job. Her on-again off-again boyfriend, Ryan dumped her, harshly & publicly. She fell into a deep depression. She couldn't find a job. She was running through her small savings account. On a call with her dad, he suggested she move back. After fighting it for another month, she knew it was the only logical choice.

Lara Jean popped out of her haze when her phone buzzed. It was a text from Chris.

Happy Homecoming! I'm picking you up for drinks at 8.

She knew there was no fighting with her best friend about this. Chris had been a help to her during this time. LJ had isolated herself in her apartment and Chris came and made her feel okay to go into the world. The least she could do is go out for one drink with her.

Lara Jean followed her best friend into the trendy new bar that she kept raving about in their ride over. The lighting was low and moody. The walls were dark painted brick and were decorated with a plethora of handblown glass vases and art deco style trinkets. Mauve colored velvet couches created small conversation areas. It was what Lara Jean imagined a beautiful speakeasy from the 1930s would look like. Chris kept saying it was the coolest place in all of Charlottesville and she wasn't wrong.

"So then, this guy, who is probably almost a billionaire, tried to tell me that he didn't have money to give to our relief fund for international students, and I kindly reminded him that he met his 4th wife when she was studying abroad in America. I got a check in the mail this morning." Chris shrugged like it was no big deal. She worked for UVA now. She helped raise funds for various projects & student funds. Lara Jean was amazed that her carefree hipster best friend with no real direction had turned into a boss bitch. She had gone from Dock Martins & band t shirts to sky high Louboutin's and blazers.

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