Doing Enough

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The Jeep slowly came to a stop in front of the Covey house. He looked over at her and smirked. "You look really pretty right now."

She rolled her eyes. "You've told me that like twenty times since we got to Trevor's."

"Well you keep acting like you don't believe it, so burning it into your brain seems to be the best course of action." He reached over and kissed her hand.

"I had fun tonight." She smiled at him and leaned back against her seat. "Do you think they know?"

"Rachel knows about everything before it even happens, so probably."

"Have you told them about the official break up though? Does they think I'm some horrible floozy or something?"

"No, grandma. They love you. Plus, I slept on their couch after the fight remember."

"Right..." she took a breath. "Well that's good."

"Plus, there was so many people there that I don't think they even noticed when we snuck off to...."

"Peter." She blushed and put her hands in her lap. "I'm really nervous about tomorrow." She said softly.

"Your dad's appointment?" he asked. She nodded and continued. "I just hope it's working. Trina and my dad said that he's been feeling better this round of chemo but who knows if that means it's working, ya know."

"I mean I don't have first-hand experience in that, but I get the anxiety of waiting." He tried get her to smile. "And if I know anything about you, you're probably really in your head about this because that's what you do. But I'm here for you when you need me, and even times when you don't think you do. I'll be here." He reached over and kissed her cheek.

Lara Jean smiled hard. How did he know just the right thing to say? "You wanna come up?"

"No. Not tonight." He looked ahead at his steering wheel before looking over at her. "Tonight, I am going to walk you to your door and say goodnight, like a real date."

Lara Jean blushed and felt butterflies flying out of her body. "Okay." She said sweetly as she felt her heart beating out of her chest. They had continued to see each other in secret for the past weeks. This was Peter's first time wanting it to be public, even if it was just at her front door. They had gone on dates but out of town so no one they knew would see them.

She swung her legs out of the car after he opened the door for her. He interlaced his fingers with hers. LJ admired how his big warm hands usurped hers. They walked up the front steps and turned to each other.

"I had the best time." He smiled, letting go of her hands.

"Me too. Does this mean I'm getting a second date?" she giggled.

"Only if this goes well." He chuckled and pulled her close for an affectionate good night kiss. His hands sculpted her face while she threw her arms around his neck. The kiss was perfect and sweet. Nothing too racy in case someone where to see them on the Covey's quiet street.

Peter was the one to break away. "If I don't leave now, I'm not leaving." His forehead was pushed against hers. He bit his lip.

"You were the one who said you didn't want to come up." She took a deep breath trying to regain her composure. She always felt wrapped in him whenever they touched.

"I'll text you tomorrow." He said stepping away. His hands ran down her entire arm causing goosebumps to form over her entire body. She nodded and watched him get in the car and drive away. She smiled so hard her shoulders reached her ears.

"Well I wish I had better news." Dr. Poppy leaned forward in her light blue arm chair. In that moment, Lara Jean heard static rushing through her thoughts. She couldn't believe his treatment wasn't working. She looked at her dad and Trina. Dad was uncharacteristically stoic. He just looked like he was trying to remember what to get at the grocery store, not hearing that this round of chemo was not working. Trina sniffles broke Lara Jean out of her trance. Trina's eyes were red and she was blinking trying to keep the tears in. Trina always said her role was being strong for her dad; sometimes that meant not being able to feel her emotions.

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