Chapter dos

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Cw : suicide implication

"So,  how has your mother been, Shoto?"


SHORT CHAPTER / Chapter Two; Steal his heart

The boy shuttered.

That was just a random question, right?

"None of your business. And its Todoroki."

The aura emitting from the girl became dark.

"Yes it is."

He grit his teeth. Couldn't she see he didnt wanna talk about this?

"How is it your business?"

"Thats none of your business"

"Yes it is" He growled.

"Then tell me. How is Rei doing?"

Hearing that  name shattered his heart.

"How do you know my mother?"

The girl grabbed Todoroki's left wrist.

And thats when he noticed.

She was only looking into one of his eyes.

She wouldn't look at his right side.

"Tell me now."

He paused. A shadow going under both of their eyes.

"I haven't seen her in years. I wouldn't know."

The girl stopped. Let go of him. Got up, and walked away, to the edge.

She looked into his left side one last time, and said;

"Ungrateful. Id kill to see her, yet you, her own son probaly hasn't even considered it."

And with that, she jumped from the roof top.



The boy ran to try and grab her, but it was too late. But as he looked down, he didn't see a crime scene, rather, he saw her angrerly walking off.

"What- How..?"

He sighed. His heart ached, as he walked back, upon hearing the bell.

He didnt want to go home, he had trained for hours, and would just be forced just to train more.

Suddenly, from behind he felt someone cover his mouth. He was surprised for a second, until he heard the voice.


"What." He said, not caring anymore.

She gasped.

"Of course I can call your by your first name! All you had to do is ask!" She giggled, "You can call me by my First name too~"

Oh my god- shes delusional.. He thought to himself.

He felt her breasts push against him. He couldn't help but blush.

She whispered into his neck,

"Oh Shoto, dont you love hearing your name come from me? Imagine me moaning it, while we have fun in the bed~"

He tensed up, before turning around, and facing her.




She burst into a giggle fit,

He considered running.

"Yunno.. Shoto, I could just kill you..~"

"No thanks-"

"Youd be a ghost, I could talk to you still! Control you~ Just me and you~"

He was about to run, but she grabbed him, and started nibbling on his left ear, and whispering into it.

"But I won't! Rei would be upset..~"


He Screamed before running off.

She sighed.

She looked up at the dark sky, anyone else would have seen a colorful sunset. But spirits blocked the scenery.

"Yunno, I was only planning to steal a visit to Rei. But I think ill also steal his heart while im at it."


500 words!

Sorry it kinda a short chapter

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