A Weird Date

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Ruby squeals as she's knocked into the wall. Thankfully it's not very hard, so she isn't hurt. "Jeez, (Y/N). You've gotten stronger..." She says, rubbing her lower back.

I chuckle slightly "I have been feeling a lot stronger with these exercises, I can't deny that." I pat Ruby's shoulder gently to ensure she's okay.

"I should start exercising with you so I can be stronger." She says, causing me to nervously rub my neck. "My semblance seems to result in more growth when I exercise... Like, even more than most people." I say, once again pinning my growth on my semblance.

Ruby shakes her head. "Well, if you'll let me, I'd love to exercise with you anyways!" She says, a tint of red in her cheeks for some reason.

I smile. "Well, I can't say no to a teammate that wants to improve herself, now can I?" I reply, patting her head.

Later in the day, I open a random box I got from my daily quest and receive a rarer item than usual. Another dungeon key! Well, tomorrow isn't a busy day for me, since today's Saturday, so I guess I'll just see if my team needs me tomorrow or not.

"Say, Ruby, after exercising tomorrow, I'll be busy for a bit like I was today. We didn't have anything planned, did we?" I ask, causing Ruby to look a little off. I can't tell if she's sad or about to sneeze.

"Well, I was planning to spend some time with you tomorrow... But since you're busy, it's okay." I can clearly tell she's bummed out, so I smile, patting her head once more. "I won't be busy tomorrow, Ruby. If you want to spend time with me, I'm not gonna say no." I assure her, causing her to smile at me.

The rest of the day is relatively normal. The next day is spent with me and Ruby exercising early in the morning. She is barely able to finish. I help her off the ground after her hundredth push-up, letting a chuckle escape from me. "You do this every day?" She asks, looking at my arms. "So big..." Ruby mumbles, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "What'd you say?"

"N-Nothing! Anyways, I wanted to take you to this one cafe in the city near school. It has amazing sweets and yummy lunches!" She says, drooling at the thought of having sugar in her mouth. I wipe the drool coming out of the corner of her mouth, causing her face to redden.

"I'm sure we'll have fun, Ruby. I appreciate you taking me. Are Yang and Blake coming?" I ask, earning a weird look from her.

"W-well... I was thinking maybe it'd be just us, ya know? If that's fine..." My eyebrows raise slightly as I shrug. "That's fine. Just figured I'd ask." I say, getting into some casual clothes. A white T-shirt and black hoodie ought to do.

While walking through the streets with my teammate, I glance over at her for a moment to see her avert her gaze from my hand. "Something wrong, Ruby?"

"No, it's fine! We're almost at the cafe, is all." She says.

The moment we turn the corner where the cafe is, I see an explosion right next to it. "Is that a bookstore? Did someone get into a fight?" I ask, rushing over to the broken glass. I see a girl with green hair and mahogany skin, as well as a pale young man in cyan clothing. "Excuse me, is something going on here?" I ask.

"Nothing that concerns you." The young man states, passive aggressively. "Now, that's where you're wrong, buddy. My dear friend intended on having lunch with me; and if you cause a commotion, I won't be able to talk with her." I refute, grinning at his look of slight annoyance.

"So I have to teach you a lesson too?" He asks, causing me to chuckle. "If only you could." I taunt, rushing toward him as my knife appears in my hand. I slash at him, and he blocks with his boot, grinning at my challenge.

"Not even going to find out who's the victim here?" He asks, innocently.

"It's written all over your face, dude. You're not a part of some hectic flash mob, that much is obvious."

"Then let's dance."

He pushes my knife away, and I decide to use the momentum to spin my body around and slash at him again. He hops out of the way before kicking a bullet in my direction. I hold my knife up so the bullet will cut itself before reaching me.

"Not bad." He compliments, lunging at me in an attempt to kick my head. I block the attack coming from above with my knife. Once his foot is immobile, I make the knife return to my inventory, grabbing onto his foot with one hand as I re-equip my knife in my other hand and attempt to stab into his leg. Instead of hearing a grunt of pain and staining his pants red, I hear the clang of metal, causing me to look through the small hole I put in his pants. Metal leg-

"Heh. Sucks to be you!" He says, lifting his other foot up and firing at me, causing me to fly back a little ways, as well as making my HP drop a fraction.

"Mercury, we don't have time for this." The admittedly attractive girl says, her weapons having blocked a swipe from Ruby's scythe.

"Heh. Lucky you." The guy, supposedly called Mercury, says before he and the girl disappear. I walk over to Ruby. "You alright? She didn't hurt you, did she?"

"No, it's fine... Thank you." She says, smiling.

"No, thank you for the help. That Mercury... He's a lot stronger than I was expecting. I doubt I could've taken them both on." I admit.

Ruby shakes her head. "It's fine. They didn't seem to want to cause any more of a commotion... They must prefer staying hidden." She points out.

"I suppose that's true. Ah, sorry! This was supposed to be a normal lunch meal, wasn't it?" I say, looking at all the people around us, as well as the clearly shaken cafe staff.

"It's fine, really. We can just get something to snack on and go eat something at the park." She suggests.

"That sounds good, then."

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