Chapter II

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Present -  When Zeynep entered to the office, her colleague and a friend met her in the door. Selin was kind and sweet since Zeynep's first day at work, She welcomed Zeynep as her friend.

-         finally! where have you been? I have an amazing news for you!

-         what happened? – Zeynep got scared for a moment – is everything okay?

-         yes, everything is great! I have an incredible news for you!

-         Selin, wont you just say ?

-         anyway our boss has decided to promote you

-         what? are you serious?

-         wow that's... wait, how do you know it?

-         well, when I was taking some documents for him and before I enter there I heard him talking that he was promoting one of us

-         and why did you decide that its me? – Zeynep got happy for a moment, but then came down to earth again.

-         let me finish Zeynep. then he continued talking and I have have heard some things. wasn't MR.Bulut's case yours?

-         yes, it was

-         then congratulations!!!

Zeynep hugges Selin immediately, she was so happy and excited, but she remembered not to open her wings and start to fly till she would get this news from his boss. But if this was right... if this was real Zeynep's whole world would change for good. she was thinking all the things she would change after her promotion while she realised she was already in front of her working table. when she realised how much she was dreaming and hoping for these couple of minutes, she smiled, prepared to start working and let the fate decide the rest.

Meanwhile – it was 2:15 when Ozgur woke up, he realised it was time to leave and get up, to take a shower. While he was dressing up, all he could think if he could have find a good lawyer who would be able to help him. he was not showing, but he was worrying a lot. "La Gabbia" meant a lot for him, he has spent a lot of energy while trying to create it.

while he was dressing up and overthinking about "La Gabbia""-s future, he looked at his watched and saw it was already 3:30pm, which meant he had to be in the office in 30 minutes. he realised he was being late, he quickly got ready and left home.

Present – it would be 4pm soon but the boss has not said who is being promoted, Zeynep didn't know she was excited or worried anymore, she just wanted to know who, and didn't care for the rest anymore while Unal (the boss and the creator of Divit's company) came out from his office.

-         for a minute I want everyones attention here please. when I created this company, I was 28 years old. It'll be 15 years since then during this year, 1st december. this day is super important for me, it remindes me how many times I have fallen and how many times I have learnt to stand up. a lot of people have grown up in front of me, as person, as a lawyer... I am proud each and every one of you. lets make it short, one of our lawyer will be promoted today. you know, this girl has been very young when she came to this company, she has grown and developed a lot. I am honored and privileged to say that Eda honey, congratulations! you are my chosen this year!

Zeynep felt smth in her heart. not that she was not happy for Eda, but she was so sure it would be her who got promotion.. still Eda was one of her colleague and Zeynep pull herself together, she went to congratulate Eda just as rest of the people. Selin was standing with cold face, clapping and asking "what have I done" to herself.

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