Chapter IV

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Ozgur froze. He didn't know from which house the sounds were coming from. he wanted to do something but what? he came out from the car, take couple of step close to Zeynep's house and stopped there. in a minute he still heard screaming and sound of breaking the subjects, but it was not coming from Zeynep's house. Ozgur took a deep breath, and started walking towards his car. He suddenly turned his head to right and saw a woman chasing a man and throwing some subjects towards him. the man was running, clearly he was afraid of her. Seems like the man came home drunk again and his wife kicked him out of house. Ozgur smiled a bit, it was again a confirmation that Zeynep was fine. He took a deep breath again and left.

Zeynep was thinking, like she used to think all the time but this one was different. this time she had to decided what to do with her life, what to do with her husband who was abusing her. She couldn't just stay with him, she couldn't just take all the pain she has been living as a child. She had to save herself but how? divorce? would that really be enough to get ride of Mehdi? she was scared, she was afraid of her own thoughs.

Zeynep was not the only one who could not sleep, Ozgur couldn't stop thinking about her. He was worried, he wanted to help her but how? how could he interfere in someone else's life without them wanting and asking for his help.  it was 4AM already, he felt like his head was exploding. so he decided to let it go for a while and contentrate to sleep.

Zeynep could not sleep, she was up whole night. it was 8 AM when she got up to get dress. Its true that she spend whole night thinking about her problems, but she still could not decide what to do with her life. if she was coming up with one decision, then another though would hit her hard and she was still in a big trouble. She wanted to focus on something else, but it was so hard, she had a lot work to do, but how when her life turned out upisde down.

Zeynep was ready when she went to open the door, she saw Mehdi on the door , looking at her with his cold eyes.

-         can I come in?

-         I am in a hurry, what is it?

-         I want to talk to my wife

Mehdi went inside the room. Zeynep closed the door and turned around.

-         are you going to work?

-         yes

-         okay, but I don't want to see you with any other man anymore

-         these men that you saw me with, are my clients.

-         I don't care

-         and I don't care what you care about, I have a job and I will not quite doing what I love just because you cant control your anger and jealousy.

Zeynep opened the door and left. She was burning inside but not from pain, from anger. how did he dare to tell her what to do? "does he think I am his toy or what?". Zeynep couldn't help herslef  anymore, everything inside her head was burning, she had to make her decision today, she was not gonna take any of his horrible behaviors anymore.

Ozgur couldn't sleep much, he woke up at 8AM. he didn't want to stay alone with his thoughs, so he decided to meet Ozan.

Ozgur got ready and went to La Gabbia. Ozan was already here since he was the chef, he had to be here on early morning, to make sure everything was going right in the kitchen.

-         Ozan can I talk to you for a moment?

-         Yes brother, just wait for me in the yard.

-         Okay

Ozan came out in a minute and sat down in front of Ozgur.

-         You seem tense. what happened?

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