Chapter V

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- It's so beautiful – said Ozgur – nature is a wonderful thing, it's always gonna surprise you with its beauty

- True. When I was a child, I was coming here with my unicorn toy and watch sunset to calm down. – Ozgur looked at Zeynep. "why did she need to calm down when she was a child?" Ozgur was confused, but he behaved like nothing happened and continue

- I remember when my dad was alive, he and mom fought, it was not a huge one, but still he felt really bad. I went to his room to check on him, I saw him getting ready and I got scared, I though he would leave us forever. You know as a child, you are always afraid of parents fight and the feeling that they might leave you... its really horrifying. Anyway, I followed him and I saw him coming on the beach, sitting down alone and watching the sea.

- Did you join him? – Zeynep was looking at Ozgur

- Of course I did. he got surprised when he saw me. – he laughed – but then I sat down with him and we watched sunset together, without talking. before we would leave, he looked at me, smiled and told me "You know even in the worst case scenario, I would never ever leave your mom, you and your sister." and It felt right to hear it in that moment. – Ozgur looked very happy remembering one of his favorite memory with his dad.

- I guess it made you really, really happy. Having loving parents by your side is a privilege. – Zeynep seemed happy for Ozgur but at the same time sadness was following her voice

- You are right. Btw do you have any kind of memorable story ?

- Yes I actually do. I have a lot of memories with the sea. I didn't have a beautiful and joyful childhood as most of the kids, some days the sea was my best friend, listening to all of my problems and thoughts. Every time I felt bad or lonely, I was coming here, sometimes I was watching the sunrise, sometimes sunset. sometimes I could not even leave the home... - Ozgur saw the sadness in Zeynep's eyes – but no matter what, the sea has always been listening to me, no matter what I was getting through, coming here has always been relaxing.

- Tell me about one of them, I would gladly listen to it

- Okay. So one day my parents fought. I was 7 years old back then, the fight was pretty bad. my dad broke every single plate we had in home, my mom got wounded on her arm and the neighbours took care of her. then my dad left home and my mom went to sleep to rest. I immediately left home and came to the beach, it was February so you can imagine how cold it was here. the wind was pretty bad, a huge waves in the sea, there was no one else except me. I went closer to the sea, put the water in my hands and washed my face. I just needed to ... I needed to felt sea. then I sat down on the beach, my eyes were closed, I was not thinking about anything, I felt how my face was getting colder because of the wind, the sea was not getting any calmer, the sound of waves was pretty scary tbh. then I have heard the sound of steps and I immediately opened my eyes. I saw a woman coming closer and closer to me, I immediately realized I have seen her before. She was one of those people who are selling snacks during the summer on the beach. she came closer to me and told me it was too cold for me to stay there and sit on the cold beach, she suggested me hot chocolate and I followed her. When we went to her house, I saw it was too close to the beach, the house was so small, clearly she was the only one living there. she was so kind. she had fire in the house, it was so cozy and so warm. I went closer to the fire, I sat down, she was treating me so nicely, she gave me hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies. everything was so delicious, then we talked a bit. then after an hour she took me to home. after that, everytime I was going to the beach, she was always next to me, to make sure I was not hungry, or cold, or alone. we were going to her home, talk and have some bit of fun. she is one of the most beautiful memory for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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