7 (finally ik ik)

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As i walk home, Izuku keeps glancing over a Todoroki; I clear my throat and finally say something, "Hows everyones day?" I say, fiddling with my fingers."My day is perfectly fine, knowing im with you." Izuku holds my hand and smiles at me. 

"So y/n, hows the cutting going? did you stop?" Shoto would say, moving closer to me.

"Uhm.. (your answer).." I look down. "Oh, lets work more on it. We don't want you hurting yourself cause we care a-lot about you." He leans down and kissing your arms. Izuku holding himself back from sending todoroki to the moon, he takes a deep breath.

"Look, we are here. Maybe you should go Todoroki-kun, I can handle it from here." Izuku fakes a smile, balling up his fist. "Nope, i'll stay for a bit; just to make sure this little cutie is okay." Todoroki pats my head and gives me a warm smile. "Now lets get inside." Shoto grabs the keys and opens the door.

Izuku picks me up, carrying me inside-- nuzzling my neck a bit

. Todoroki walks in and sits on the couch. "You guys look cute together." He says, pulling out his phone from his pocket and checking the time. "T-Together?.." Blush spreads across my face. Deku chuckles and boops my nose.

"What movie are we watching y/n?" Shoto looks up from his phone. "What kind of movies are ya'll into?" I take a deep breath, holding myself back from scratching my skin or biting it.

"Horror or action." Todoroki gets up, walking over to me. "Well, i like romance!" Izuku says, backing up a bit. 

They stare at each other for bit and darts their eyes over to you. "What do you pick y/n?" they both say. "Well.. i like (your favorite genre)." Izuku nods slowly and walks over to your couch; laying you down.

"So, what movie?" Shoto grabs the remote and opens (hulu or netflix- or anything. "Can we watch (insert your favorite movie/show/anime or whatever)." I say, gulping; the bad thoughts coming back.

 "Of course." Shoto types it in and leans back.

Izuku snuggles up next to me and i smile slightly.

Half way through the movie, everyone fell asleep. "Adorable little hero's.." I mutter and gets up, turning off the movie and turning off the lights; laying back and cuddles with both of them.  

Im sorry its short TvT

I'll fight for you!! (Deku x depressed readerWhere stories live. Discover now