7. I'm Ready

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I put the shirt I was gifted on my bed and changed into something more comfortable. I then went downstairs to eat dinner and to talk to my parents about my first day. It seemed as if they were more excited about my new job than I was. As soon as I was done, I disappeared back to my room and that was when I saw it. My shirt was unfolded and thrown on the ground.

I know it wasn't my parents. They were downstairs the whole time. I glanced around my room nervously.

"Larry?" I called out. I picked up the shirt and walked over to my closet to throw it in the hamper. As I slid my closet door closed, I realized something was off. I opened my closet to find someone in there. "Oh my God!" I cried out in fear. Larry was hiding in my closet and put his finger to his lips trying to shush me. I closed the door on him again and began panicking, pacing back and forth. He's in my closet! What do I do?

"Is everything alright?" I heard my dad call out.

"Y-Yeah!" I stuttered. "I saw a huge spider!"

"Do you want me to kill it?"

"No, it's fine. I got it. Just wasn't expecting it."

I listened to see if anyone was coming upstairs but no one was so I slid my closet door open once again and was surprised to still see Larry there. Larry's eyes were wide—I wasn't sure if he was more terrified to see me or if I was more terrified.

"Are—are you Larry?" I managed to say.

"You can see me?" he asked incredulously.

"What do you mean? You're standing right in front of me hiding in my closet!"

"Can you please keep your voice low? I'm not deaf, y'know!"

"Are you alive or dead?" I blurted out. I know it was rude to ask but I had to know.

Larry looked sad all of a sudden. "I'm dead."

"Well, what happened? How'd you die?" I questioned.

"I...I don't know," he said softly.

"Your friend Van is still trying to figure out what happened to you," I told him. "A lot of people think you ran away but Van is convinced you're dead." A thought suddenly occurred to me. "Can Van see you?"

"I'm not sure."

"Why don't I call him?"

"No, don't do that! At least not yet. I'm—I'm still trying to find out what's happening and why you can see me. Did my parents really sell the house?"

"That was you who stole the deed, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, that was me," he admitted.

"And you were the one who threw my shirt on the ground. Why?"

"You're not working there, are you?" I nodded my head and he shook his head. "I used to work there and the manager made my life miserable. I love the job but I fucking hate him!"

"What did he do to you exactly? Why does he hate you?"

"I never did anything to him but he treated me like shit. I think it's because I always caught him doing his job wrong and I corrected him because I knew if Dan found out, he'd sack him. I dunno why I even tried to help him. I should've just let those mistakes pile up. What are you working there as?"

"I'm the financial analyst."

"Oh, fancy. I don't think he'd treat you like shit though. To be honest, he'd probably treat you well. You'll quickly learn that he's a charmer. Would do anything to take a girl home, it's fucking disgusting. You have no idea how many girls I've seen him with in the time I was there. I told Van all about it and I don't think some were even sixteen."

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