10. What Were You Thinking?

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I told everyone I was going and they were excited to hear that, especially Will. I never alluded to bringing someone with me. I wanted it to be a surprise. Van was starting to have cold feet and I was panicking. If he changed his mind, I don't know what I'm going to do. My parents knew about the holiday dinner but I didn't tell them I was going with Van. I knew if I said I was going with him, they were going to question me and I didn't want that.

"Let us know how it goes!" my mom called out as I closed the door.

I made my way towards the car and started it, making the short drive to Van's. Once I was in front of his house, I texted him to let him know I was here. A few minutes later, he stepped out. It was obvious he was running late as he got closer to the car. He was in the process of putting on his grey coat and I don't even think he zipped his boots. As soon as he got in the car, he began apologizing.

"Sorry I'm late. My parents began questioning me and I didn't know what to tell them. Next thing I knew—it was time to get ready and I only gave myself ten minutes. Hopefully this is formal enough," he rambled, zipping up his boots.

I don't know what he was worried about—he looked just fine. He was wearing a white dress shirt that was tucked into his black skinny jeans and his grey coat complimented the look so well. I have to admit he looked good.

"Um...yeah, that's formal enough," I said, as soon as I realized I was staring too long. I started the car and began driving towards the restaurant.

Once we arrived, we stepped out and eyed the restaurant. I wonder what it was about this restaurant that made him change his mind. I straightened out my coat and began walking towards the restaurant. We were instantly greeted by a waiter when we arrived.

"Table for two?" the waiter asked.

"Uh...we have reservations under Dan Thompson," I answered.

"Right this way."

We followed him towards the back of the restaurant. We were surprisingly the first ones here even though we were right on time.

"Should we sit across from each other or next to each other?" Van questioned.

"We can sit next to each other, I guess."

We took a seat next to each other and I began looking through the menu. I couldn't understand half of the menu and the prices were mind-boggling. I was imagining how much food I could get for the price of each dish.

"Everyone's wearing a suit. I feel underdressed," Van commented, looking around.

"It's fine," I assured him, even though I was starting to feel underdressed as well. All the women wore heels and flashy jewelry, making me feel inadequate. I could see Will approaching the table with a beautiful girl in tow. I quickly put up the menu to hide my face. "Will is coming," I whispered to Van. Van was too consumed in the drink menu to hear me so I tapped his arm.

"Huh?" he replied.

"Will's here."

"Oh!" Van sat up straight.

"Hi Freya. Who's this?" I heard Will ask. I looked up from my menu and smiled at him.

"This is my boyfriend, Van," I replied. Will seemed surprised that I brought someone.

"Oh. It's nice to meet you, Van," Will replied, holding out his hand to shake. Van stood up and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you...?" Van trailed off.


Once everyone introduced themselves to each other, Will sat across from me with his date, whose name is Diana. I regret telling Van to sit next to me. I'd rather stare at him than at Will if I'm being honest. One way to make me lose my appetite is to have Will sit across from me.

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