15. It Will All Come Out

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I woke up with the sheets wrapped around me. The bed was warm and I didn't feel like getting up. My eyes studied the room and I had a moment of panic when I didn't recognize the place but the events from yesterday flooded my mind. I turned my head to look for Van but he wasn't there.

"Van?" I asked.

There was no answer. I pulled the sheets aside and stepped into my shoes before scanning the room for any signs of Van. He doesn't seem like the type to just leave, but he left no trace of being around. His coat was gone and his keys, wallet, and phone were nowhere to be found.

I went to the bathroom to get ready and when I stepped out, I was surprised to see Van sitting on the bed.

"Mornin'," he said, smiling slightly. "Did you sleep well?"

"I thought you left," I replied, eyes wide.

"Did you really think I'd leave ya? I just stepped out to smoke."

Oh. Of course. "No, not really, no. It's just I didn't see any signs that you were still here," I said sheepishly. "But yes, I slept well. Did you?"

"Yeah. Did you know you talk in your sleep? At first I thought you were talking to me but you were talking nonsense."

"What did I say?" I hope it wasn't anything embarrassing.

"You were calling my name and said 'kiss me.'" He was grinning and I could feel my face heating up.

"No way!" I refuse to believe I said that. If I did, I didn't mean it.

"Okay, you got me! You didn't say that. All you said was my name and 'why.' Were you dreaming about me?"

I tried to think back to what I dreamt about. The scenes were fuzzy but I remember Van and I being at the gum wall and him saying he'd lick the wall if I went to a restaurant with him. I remember being so done with him and asking him 'why?'

"Um...yes, I was but not in the way you were thinking! We were at the gum wall and you said you'd lick the wall if I went to a restaurant with you," I said quickly. At that, Van burst into laughter.

We were eating breakfast at the hotel and continued our conversation there.

"So who fell asleep first?" I asked.

"You did," Van responded.

"How do you know?"

"I went on for ages about growing up in Wales and I asked you a question and you didn't respond! I put you to sleep, don't I?"

"No. I was just tired."

I had to admit I could listen to him talk all day. When he really gets into a story, he gets so excited that he starts using his hands to talk and it's just fun to watch him. It's not that what he says is boring—his voice is so relaxing and the fact I was sleepy already didn't help.

We checked out of the hotel and got in the car, making our way towards the ferry terminal. We were one of the few people first in line since there aren't that many people wanting to go to the island that early. It's mostly the other way around where people are wanting to get off the island. We got out of the car and went to the top to look at the view once again. I don't think it matters how many times I take the ferry across the water—I will never get tired of the view. Once we arrived, Van dropped me off before heading back to his place. Van unlocked the door so I could get out.

"Thanks for coming along," Van started to ramble on. "I know it wasn't fun missing the ferry but I hope you still had fun."

"I did," I replied. "Sometimes unexpected things really make it fun. I won't forget it, that's for sure." I opened the door and glanced at him one last time. It was probably the lighting but I never realized how attractive he was. "Bye Van!" I called, turning to leave before I was caught staring too long.

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