9. So When's Dinner?

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December 2015

It was subtle at first. I never really noticed it until now. I was in the bathroom trying so hard not to cry but I knew I can only hide in the bathroom for so long before they come looking for me. I'm starting to understand what Larry and Van meant when they told me to be careful around Will.

At first he'd compliment me by saying he liked my haircut which was completely harmless. And then he'd compliment my makeup and say "I like your makeup today. It brings out the color of your eyes," which was strange but I let it slide.

Next, he would touch me whenever he had the chance. First, it was a hand on my shoulder but then every once in a while, he'd start rubbing my back and that's when I'd excuse myself to get away from him.

Today he brushed past me and I'm a hundred percent sure it was on purpose because he had plenty of room. There was no reason for that when I was leaning forward trying to reach for a vinyl in the back. And I didn't say anything. I just kept silent and I'm now hating myself for it as I'm standing here in the bathroom trying to hold myself together. I took a deep breath and glanced at the mirror one last time before heading out.

We had a small group meeting where Will told us we were having a company holiday dinner at a high end restaurant as a thank you for all our hard work, courtesy of Dan. We could bring one other person with us. Noah and Oliver seemed excited but I wasn't. The thought of spending more time with Will sickened me and I had no plans of going at all but I didn't want to tell them right away. I was going to fake being sick or fake being out of town that day.

I went back to work but kept to myself most of the day, and Noah and Oliver seemed to notice. They had hushed conversations and they were no doubt wondering why I was being quiet because they would glance at me occasionally. Eventually, the store was slow enough for Oliver to approach me.

"So are you gonna go?" he asked me. Something told me I could trust Oliver so I decided to tell him the truth.

"No, it's not my thing," I told him, shaking my head.

"Aw, you should go. I hope you change your mind. It's a lot of fun."

"What's it usually like?" I questioned, now curious.

"The dinner's great. It's at the same restaurant every year but the food is top notch. And after that, we all chill and drink wine on Dan's yacht and sail around the sound at night."

I had to admit that did sound fun but my dislike for Will was even stronger.

"Are you gonna bring someone?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm just gonna go by myself. I don't have anyone to bring. Noah's probably going with his girlfriend and who knows about Will. It's probably gonna be some random girl we've never seen before."

I kept my mouth shut at the mention of Will. As soon as he entered the conversation, I didn't want to talk about the holiday dinner anymore.

My shift was finally over and I was putting the finishing touches to my report which was due tomorrow. After I was satisfied, I saved my work and logged out of the computer and began packing all my stuff. I suddenly felt like I wasn't alone in the room anymore and turned around to see Will standing at the door, smiling. I couldn't help but shudder and I continued packing my stuff up, ignoring him completely.

"Are you alright?" I heard him ask.

"Uh...yeah. I'm just tired," I told him, sounding disinterested.

"Are you going to the holiday dinner?"

"I happen to be out of town that day," I lied.

"We can always move it so you can come."

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