Episode Three: Robert Deniro / Chapter 10

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10 – Apricots in the Metropolis

That night, sleep didn't come easy for Taichi. He tossed and turned on his bed, throwing his covers off himself.

It had been the same dream that had haunted him for most of the summer break. Faceless crowds of people screaming and trying to escape as concrete rubble falls on top of them. The painful brush on his skin as a wall of fire stops him his tracks. The smell of his charred uniform. Finally, the gentle push on his chest from her hand, and the lonely smile she gave him. Then... just falling until she was out of view.

Taichi sat up quickly in bed, his breathing haggard and body covered in sweat. He pinched the bridge of his nose and slowed his breathe.

He pulled at his shirt; it was drenched in sweat. He gave a heavy sigh and pulled himself out of bed to change clothes, knocking his desk as he did. His deck spilled out of its case and he let out another sigh as he began picking them up.

He placed the card named "Vagrant Knight, Arthur" at the bottom and stared at it longingly. Pulling the cards close to the long red burn scar on his chest he muttered under his breath.

A memory. Standing in that room in the annex building where the members of the Vanguard club had made their home. Back then he was still a headstrong first year trying to take on the world alone because he wanted to. But they were the only ones to persist in helping him.

"I think this one would think you best! He's a loner but... when he needs it the most he can rely on some friends."

Taichi gripped his deck as he remembered those words. "I'm sorry... Captain Sendou..." his voice shook "I'm so... sorry..."


The bell rang out for lunch break. Once again, Taichi felt reluctant to make his way to the Vanguard club. Though he couldn't lie to himself anymore about his enjoyment for the game. Meeting Yume had changed him, the same way his old club leader had back when he first joined.

He knew the atmosphere might be weird because of yesterday's events, he even felt a little guilty for the way he snapped at her. But he chose to swallow his guilt and gathered his things to leave. 

He decided to poke his head into Yume's class so that they could go there together and could try to apologise.

When he got to the door he bumped into Tomoko; both letting out a short gasp of surprise.

"Ah- Sorry Kai."

"No, don't worry about it."

He peered over her shoulder to look into the classroom, "Is Yume here? I wanted to apologise for yesterday."

"What did you do?" Tomoko growled "You better not have said anything mean, or I'll hit you harder than Rui ever could."

Remembering the experience of the southern migraine he received the other day, Taichi moved his hands down to guard as he slowly stepped back and gave his defence, "I just snapped at her, I was wrong to I get it, just want to make it up to her."

Tomoko glared him down, "Fine. But you won't find her here, she high-tailed it the minute the bell rang."

"Any idea where she was going?"

"She did say she was going to the teachers lounge" Tomoko said folding her arms, "said she was going to meet a teacher... what was their name?"

So, she's trying to get a teacher as our advisor maybe my outburst didn't affect her much after all Taichi thought to himself.

"Was it Tochikura? Tokuda?" Tomoko muttered to herself, she scratched her head.

"... Tokura?" Taichi voice shook a little as he said the name.

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