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last night i had some bad dreams
i kept hearing all of these screams
my mind hurling, whirling, spinning
like a roller coaster around going
whoosh! so fast and getting faster
even more by each second higher
its seems to move up to the sky
but it all just seems like a big lie
being honest i don't know the truth
i may be young, still in my youth
but seemed to have learned more
than i have ever been able to before
but if i knew what i know now
it could have been different somehow
in some way I wouldn't be knee-deep
in my own actions, everything in a heap
can some one come and pull me out
but no matter how many times i shout
i cannot be helped nothing will ever
change it'll always be the same never
will i ever be let out of this prison
and you may sit there and listen
but it's always gonna stay the same
i'm tired of everything, tired of this game
this black hole seems to go on endlessly
but nothing changes as i sit hopelessly
the tide comes in and goes back to sea
and the uncontrollable waves are free
to do what they please and be whatever
I hate being trapped i don't like playing
by the rules but i have to if im staying
right here not moving trapped forever

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