Some day - 6

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I no longer hear the calls
before they rang through the halls
of torture someone must've muted
your screams so i can no longer
come to help you to become stronger
than they are, seems like you're far
away in a foreign land without a star
to light the way for you lead the way
promise me that you shall stay
here, i promise to you that the stars
will light up again brighter than ever
and it might not be that way forever
but you will see the stars some day
and you can stare at at them as you lay
beneath the pretty sky full of sparkles
lighting up your world to see a new
world with fresh sight, see you threw
away your dreams for nothing
some day it shall be okay again
you'll conquer your deepest fears
and there will be no more tears
it may not last but you have it
for that time that was said to be
and I feel like there nothing for me
but I can only continue to hope
so hold on tight this long ride
will be worth it, the tide
that smashed in our faces
now we're back to smash
their faces and so we lash
out taking them by surprise
they stand up and rise
ready to put us down
they think me a clown
but this ain't no freak circus
and they come to and cuss
us but we are ready for the blow
which seems to come slow
then bang in our faces worse
than ever before is this a curse
we can never be stronger than
them, throw a big oil can
and run away hoping it'll get
them and destroy forever and ever
but them devils seem to come back
worse each time than they were before
and each time they have worse in-store
but some day we might succeed
so continue to water and feed
the pretty little flower for it'll grow
and we may just be ready for the blow

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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