Torture and torment-5

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can you see the tear in her eyes
don't you see what your lies
did to this innocent child
who wishes to be free and wild
yet is captured beneath
the torture of this hell
when she hears the knell
the memories flood into
her head thinking who
could do this cruel act
of entrapment it is a fact
that she will never escape
the grasp, the memories drape
over her like devils
that escaped from hell
she hears the knell
again and no longer
cares about the world
as her mind hurled
and her traumas surround her
from every single corner
and you loom with power
over her your mind like the devil's
torturing her in this hell forever
which seems to never
end and even when
you are gonna even then
it will stay in her mind
like poison, you capture from behind
and loom over like the devil from hell
when you hear the chimes of the bell
you become afraid and begin to hide
you think that if you step aside
you can stay hidden from the world
but some day we'll capture you
just like you captured that child
the little one who want to be wild
who just wanted to be free
and to be able to see
the beauty of this world

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