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No one to pick me outta this
they all want me to confess
tell the truth but where to start
where to being, at my heart?
but I don't want to let it go
because then they'd run
like as if it was a game of fun
I try to say something but can't
and why bother so i shan't
everything is all trapped inside
can't be let out it can hide
but can't ever show it self
Not to anyone for stealth
Nobody, no one, nothing
cause if i did it'd sting
so im not gonna stay here
for I have a the fear
that it may find its way
out of here and say
the worst things and fears
sitting all alone the tears
begin to escape making
a path they say im faking
all of these tears and pains
the words leave stains
making a mark on me
but all they can see
is the made up, petty lies
used to think the sky's
the limit but then my head
came down from the clouds
im starting to hear the sounds
hear the silent call for help
and i try to help yet they yelp
because I am no one to lend
a hand nor can I defend
for your right cause i can't
even stand for my own
so we are both alone
at least we are alone together
but i guess you'll never ever
will understand my problems
just like I don't see yours
we'll see what tomorrow stores
when tomorrow arrives at our
doors as we watch each hour
tick by time seems endless
and i'm becoming senseless

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