Two: Never Again.

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"Hello lover girl".
I laugh "That's the most corny thing you have ever said your whole life".

Mufida is a very close friend of mine, I've known her even before I knew Khaliq and Rahim existed but now I'm closer to them than I am with her.

She lies down on the couch "I hope Salis isn't home? I don't want him to see me this way".

"No, he's not but I can't promise he won't show up any moment" I say back.

Let's just say she has a thing for my brother, a fantasy since it's obvious he'll never pay any attention to her, at least not the type she's looking for.

"I hope he doesn't, I don't want him to see me this way".

"I doubt he cares how he sees you so just calm down".
My phone chimes and I pick it up.

We're coming by later. Make me something nice😌

I smile and just reply with a smiley face.
Everyone at home is just too busy, my mum and two older brothers are always at work until around 6pm, my younger brother is in his 4th year and rarely comes home and my dad travels alot and when he's in town he's rarely home.

"Khaliq?" She asks.

"Wow. This guy is the one keeping you three together, I don't know what you'd do without him".

"Yes but no, although I can't imagine it without him" I smile.


It's already past six and neither my mum nor my siblings are back, It can feel really lonely.

Khaliq, Rahim and I sit in the gazebo talking.
"If I don't call you two never do, what should I do with you?" he asks "You two are so alike".

"Come on, don't think of things that way. You're one in a million, I don't know what we would do without you".

"Well it's obvious you'll throw your friendship down the drain if not for me but I can't always be around and you need to return the favour for the things I've done for the past 12years".

Rahim huffs "What do you want?"
"You'll both have to name the finest of your children after me, think of that person as me".

I stare at him like he doesn't make sense "Why should we do that when we have you? You're here and for your information all my children with Luqman will be good looking".

Rahim groans and Khaliq laughs "Really? How are you sure you're getting married to him?"

"I just know" I shrug "Anyway Khameela and I are going to a friend's wedding in Bauchi next month, did she tell you?"

"Just because we're twins does not mean she tells me everything".

Khaliq and I have become practically family, I get along with everyone he knows and I've slept over in his house more times than I can count but Rahim's family are just like him, quiet and reserved. We talk but they love keeping to themselves.

"You won't even get your guests anything to eat? I didn't eat at work and I'm dying of hunger" Rahim complains.

"Eh? When did you become guests? Nah".

He smiles "But I'm really hungry".

"Get him something to eat".
I turn around and see mama standing on the driveway, Salis standing beside her.

"What about your car?" I ask him.
"It's outside I just want to get something and go out really quick" he answers back.

"I'm going to make something, Khaliq come help me".

He smiles "You're a horrible cook and yet you're quick to starve someone" he smiles and turns to Rahim "Let's go".


He follows Mama and Salis inside and I stand there smiling.
"Sometimes I think you might even give me up for Khaliq"

It may seem that way but I don't think I can ever give Rahim up for anyone, I care about he and Khaliq equally but I don't get why. Khaliq cares about me more, talks to me more and makes me smile more but something about Rahim just makes him equal to Khaliq.

"Definitely, you can't compare".

"Ahh I see, well since you've denied me food I'll go get it from your mum" he walks away.

All they care about is food and nothing else.


I drag in my suitcase inside the living room. The house is empty yet again, I've been calling everyone but no one picked up.

I know I should be worried but in this house, I'm kinda used to being forgotten.

So I immediately enter the bathroom and take my bath.
I call Khaliq immediately I come out of the bathroom but he doesn't pick up so I call Rahim.

"What's up with everyone neh? Anyway I just got back and like I promised Khaliq I have called, I'm now a changed person" I say proudly.

"I thought you'd be coming back next week?"

"What's the point? Khameela cancelled because she had an emergency and I don't know anyone in bauchi and now no one is at home".

"They're here"

"Here? Where exactly? At this time? All of them?"
"I'm coming, just get dressed. A hijab will be more suitable"


I end the call. Isn't 9pm a bit too late to go out? It doesn't matter anyway.


I see Rahim walking towards me, slowly. His face looked like he wanted to turn back and run.

I walk over.
"What's with you all today? I'm hungry, tired and now I have to go out?"

"Did you— did you speak to anyone?" he asks, his voice sounding hoarse, rugged and strained.
I use my phone's screen to see his face properly, the darkness outside was too much.

He looked devastated and tired, like he hasn't slept in ages, he looked like crap.

My smile vanishes "What's wrong? What's with you?"

He takes a deep breath, making my breath hitch in my throat.
"Rahim? Meya faru (What happened?) Tell me".

He shakes his head "I can't believe it too".

I felt like punching him but to see Rahim like this scared me. His eyes were red.

"Khaliq passed away".


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