ch. 10

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x. into the unknown

 Another two months had gone by, the squad having gone on more and more field expeditions as they advanced further past enemy lines

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Another two months had gone by, the squad having gone on more and more field expeditions as they advanced further past enemy lines. The team worked more fluidly than most, getting in and out of their missions with barely a hint that they'd been there at all. Minus the dead Nazis of course. And due to Kelsey's injections and quick acting technique, they had lost a minimal amount of men. Even if it did mean Bucky had reamed her out once or twice for putting her own life in danger as she had done on their first mission.

Though as the squadron now prepared for their most complex mission yet, there was a feeling of unease set over the group. Hell, even Barnes seemed uncomfortable with the idea. They were one day into a three day trip 30 miles behind enemy lines toward Azzano. Intel had gotten word of a bogey factory building being used as a sort of weapons bay for a sector of the enemy's army. And with other rumors floating around of human experiments and mass torture, Kelsey could only guess what that sector was.

The team now was in position for the first step of their mission, cutting off outside reinforcements. There were three German encampments on their path toward Azzano and their mission was to take them out and meet the rest of the 107th at their final location. Seemed a sound enough plan.

"Alright Hodges, Wick, Johnson, and Allen, you'll hit the East. Me, Doc, Dernier, and Dugan will be on the West. The rest of you will be split between North and South. At 0300, we move in and take em out, understood?" There was a unanimous 'yes sir' in response.

"Try not to damage the tents and be quick. I don't want alarms raised and I want it to look like everything is hunky dory from the German's perspective. We'll stay here for the night and then move on at 1200, understood?" Another 'yes sir' resounded the group and Barnes gave a nod as the group split.

"Kane, will I be expecting anything out of line from you?" He directed toward the doctor once they others had left and she felt a deep frown pull onto her features.

"No Sergeant." She grumbled and he smirked.

"Good. Let's kill these sons of bitches." He finished and they got into position.

Barnes and Dugan took up the front while Dernier and Kane took the back, rifles at the ready. And at the sound of gunshots from the south, they knew the game was on. The two men at the front were quick and precise with their shots, getting an impressive edge on the enemy. No wonder they were marksmen. The group got into the base with no problems, finding the others cornering Nazis in at the middle of the encampment. From there it was like shooting fish in a barrel and for a moment Kelsey felt herself shudder as they were taken out one by one, herself even managing to add to the kill count. If not for the incident in Connecticut, she probably would have felt remorse at the idea of killing another man. But the image of Brennan breaking into her lab held that back as she saw his face in every one of the bastards.

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