ch. 11

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xi. no more serum

The feeling of his shoulder shoving off her hand stung more than it should have, Kelsey sensing a coldness grip her bones as more and more gunshots filled the air

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The feeling of his shoulder shoving off her hand stung more than it should have, Kelsey sensing a coldness grip her bones as more and more gunshots filled the air. She stood in the tent, anxiously holding onto her gun like it was her life line as she peaked through the tent flap. The scene which greeted her was grizzly, a full scale fire fight and she couldn't tell which side was winning. And as much as she wanted to not deal with a Sgt. Barnes screaming match later that day, she also wanted to make sure they'd both live to get there.

With a deep breath, she exited the tent and quickly moved to the perimeter. Kelsey stuck to the outside, shooting down those who thought they could flank the fight in the middle. Her vision caught onto Bucky sat behind a crate, how he'd momentarily get up and shoot back at the enemy which seemed to be overwhelming him and the five others on the frontline. Then, she watched Hodges fall with a bullet wound she wasn't sure he'd get back up with. He was close to the sides like herself, so she ran in after him.

She pulled his body away from the fight as much as she could, but the man was a certified brick shithouse. So, she worked with what she had and moved quickly. Luckily, there weren't many men nearby, most focused on the fight in the middle of the camp. Kelsey dug the bullets out from his shoulder and back, and injected the serum. He was up within a minute, groaning but reaching for his gun anyways.

She had barely stuffed the needles back into her pack before bullets were directed at them. Luckily, Hodges was quick to the draw and took out the two soldiers which came their way. Them and a very livid, very terrified, James Buchanan Barnes.

"Do you not listen to a singular order I give you?!" He barked like a mad man, but she came back with the same intensity.

"You're not keeping me out of this! Shut up and get my 6! Hodges you stay in front and tell me when you see our guys on the ground, got it?" The blonde nodded with a 'yes Doctor!' while Bucky was practically fuming, yet listened anyways.

"There's no way in hell we are getting to the objective without all our men, you know that as well as I do." She added on and Bucky nodded in begrudged agreement.

The trio moved through the camp quickly while Kelsey moved to wrap and heal the wounds of their own fallen soldiers. Luckily, most of the wounds were not fatal, so she was able to do scrap jobs of them for the time being. But there had also been two mortal wounds and this left Kelsey to one syringe of serum.

As the Americans finally began to take lead in the battle, they joined in on the firefight. One by one the Germans fell and were closed in like the men before them. So Kelsey began to break off in order to find any wounded with the six 107th soldiers lying on the ground in puddles of their own blood. She kneeled down to find they were long gone, helplessly palpating each pulse with no response. Tears pricked at her eyes which she refused to let fall as she closed each of their eyes.

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