A Wholesome Morning

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I woke up in Makoto's bed, he was right next to me. I got up and yawned, before looking down at the dude. The dude looked a bit.. adorable. But hey, it was okay to kiss your homies goodnight, right? I layed back down facing him this time.

Suddenly he turned over, a lazy smile planted on his face. His eyes gave me a loving gaze, "Heh, guess you woke up before me huh?" I said tilting my head. "Yep, thanks for staying over by the way." He said cuddling into my side.

I yawned, "We should probably get up soon, dont want Taka to think were dating too." Makoto nodded. But paused before he got up. "Hey.." Makoto said in a sweet whisper. He got on top of me and layed down. His chin was on my chest. "Good morning~" Makoto said sweetly, giggling softly after. "Morning to ya too, bud~" I said back.

We both got up, and agreed to take a shower together. There was less likely a chance if we did that Taka wouldnt break in so... yeah. We looked away from each other of course, exchanging occasional glances to eachother.

"Y/N." I heard Makoto say. I turned and saw his cute face, I smiled right away. "Hey, man, sup?" I said, trying to avoid any source of contact with his.. no. He grabbed the pink bubble jar thing and put it in his hand. "Hold still~!" Makoto said with his tongue out. I grabbed some to and we began putting soap on eachother hair.

The energy felt weirdly.. wholesome today. That's new. Suddenly, Makoto cupped my cheek on accident I assume. "Hey, tomorrow, could I say something?" He said, blushing. "Sure, but this better have nothing to do with my tits." I clicked my tongue. We got out of the shower and changed. Makoto grabbed my hand.

"Why are you being so nice today considering.." "Well, I gotta smile for you dont i? Plus, that was a genuine smile when I saw you." Makoto interrupted me. "Wonder what they gonna serve today-" Suddenly, Furry! Apparently the second floor is now open.

I hopped up the stairs with Makoto. We looked at each other realizing we were doing the same thing, then giggled. The hall was far more colorful, more bland and neon and hurts my eyes. "Y/N, could I tell you something?" Makoto tilted his head with innocence. The bro seemed nice so why not.

"You look cute today!~" Makoto winked, was that his attempt at topping me? If so, that was adorable as fuck. I hugged him, "You too, man~" I said into his ear, i felt his entire body get red hot. I caught him. "Eh, what happened?" Chihiro said.

"Just a wholesome morning than usual." I replied.

I thought of all the fluffy shit I could come up with for this chapter- considering you probably need a hug after Leon kinda... died-

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