Side Story 2

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Title: Hopeful comfort
Summary: Takes place in Future Arc. You watch the suicide video, and try to kill yourself. But, somehow Makoto manages to make it in time and comforts you.

I.. cant take it anymore.. I hate it here. I hate it here. Theres no option left.. nothing matters. I tie the noose, and grab it tightly. I'm sorry.. Makoto.. suddenly, I'm interrupted by a familiar voice. "Y/NNNNN!" I heard it scream. It was.. Makoto? He seemed to be in a rush, but.. why save me? Why? Why save a worthless bitch like me?

Before I could respond, he pinned me to the wall. I lost my grip from the noose, he pressed his body against mine. Heavy breathing. A few seconds passed, and I finally snapped out of it. Where.. where did that noose.. oh. "Y/N... I'm so sorry.. if I didnt make it in time.. you.." Makoto stammered, crying, whimpering. "Its okay.. I dont know what came over me.."

"...what's wrong with me, Makoto?" I asked sadly. Makoto looked confused. "What's wrong with me.. to leave my own boyfriend behind, there must be something.. very wrong with me." I mumbled, tears started to fall down my cheeks. Makoto cupped my cheek. "Nothings wrong with you.. that video was the cause, wasnt it?" He asked bitterly.

"..yes." I nodded, my eyes full of sadness. I looked completely broken. Makoto seemed to think so to cause he hugged me. "That video.. I watched it too.. I almost died, but someone saved me." Makoto said, petting my hair. I just melted in his arms, I didnt want anything else. I just wanted him, deep down, when I tried to do that.. I was just.. I just wanted him.

I whimpered and cried into his shoulder, Makoto hugged my waist. He eventually began to cry as well. We both sat there, hugging each other. Desperate to feel eachother, touch eachother. The next few minutes were us just crying onto eachother. Eventually, we both calmed down. I looked at him, I guess I could thank him somehow..

I gently pressed my lips against his, and he did as well. We both let go, Makoto smiled sadly at me. "I.. I love you, Y/N. You've been with me.. ever since the beginning. You were always there for me." He then pressed his chest against mine, and pecked me on the lips. "Everything about you.. its so.. beautiful." Makoto looked me up and down.

I normally wouldnt like that, but I was too sad not to. "Let's just.. cuddle for the next few minutes." Makoto sat down against the wall, and pat his lap. I layed my head in it, and he began to stroke my hair.. slowly. I smiled and fell into a sleep. "I'm here for you.. baby.." Makoto yawned, looking down at me sleepily. His eyelids low and loving.

"I.. love you.." Makoto trailed off as he then fell asleep. We both fell asleep then and there.

AYYYYYYEEEEEE! So I've never actually seen future arc, I dont understand why funimation has to make it so difficult >;(

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