Chapter 3

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The last thing I saw before jumping off the cliff was Callum's surprised face. I laughed, relishing the feel of the wind in my hair. I plummeted down, the ground getting closer every second. Finally, right before I hit the forest floor, I opened my wings. Flying always helped ease my mind. It didn't fail me now. I was in an unknown world, with some unknown fae. And, to be honest, I was starting to freak out. Not that I'd let the male see that. 

I flew past the cave. Callum was still standing there like an idiot, gaping. When he saw me, his mouth dropped open even wider, which I didn't think was possible. He shook his head and snapped out of it. He ran towards the ledge and looked up at me. I cursed. Why did I do that? I should have just left him and never looked back.

I started to turn away but stopped when I saw wings had appeared on his back. They were huge bat-like wings. He jumped into the air and flew towards me. Muttering every curse word I know, I turned and flew away as fast as I could. Using the wind powers from my dad, I flew faster while slowing Callum down. I turned around to see if he was getting closer but he wasn't behind me. Suddenly, I hit a wall of something warm.

"Shit!" I yelled. I turned and looked up into Callum's violet eyes. "How the hell did you do that?"

His brow furrowed. "It's called winnowing. Are you some sort of Peregryn? Did Thesan send you? I've never seen a Peregryn with black wings though."

"I have no clue what you're talking about. Now let me go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I've got to take you with me. You could be a threat."

"Yes, you've said that already. But trust me, I'm no threat. I don't even know where I am." I made fire run across the surface of my skin, burning him.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" He yelled, shaking his hands. 

I smirked and flew away as fast as I could. I heard him yell and he appeared before me again. I gasped as he cut off the air in my throat. 

"" I croaked, clawing at his arm.

"I'm sorry," he said and I blacked out.


I winnowed Lyria back home. Her wings had disappeared right before she passed out. I put her in one of the guest bedrooms and went to get my parents. Makai passed me, holding a box.

"What are you doing back Cal?" he asked. "I just got to bring this to the cave and we can set up."

I gave him a sheepish grin. "Yeah, about that. That'll have to wait. I need to go get my parents."

He nodded. "Nah, that's fine. I saw them talking to Aunt Elain in the kitchen."

I stuck my head into the kitchen. "Hey, mom and dad. Can I- uh- talk to you for a second?"

My dad looked up from the slice of cake he was eating. "Sure, son." 

He and my mom got up. I led them upstairs and stopped right outside the door leading to the room Lyria was in. "It's a lot to explain. Just, don't jump to conclusions."

My mom raised an eyebrow. "You're making me nervous. Just show us already."

I nodded and took a deep breath. Then I opened the door. Lyria was still unconscious. Her silver hair fanned out around her head. She was beautiful. Wait, no she wasn't. This girl burned me and could be an assassin sent to kill everyone. I shook my head, what was wrong with me?

"Uh, Cal," my mom said, "Why is there an unknown and unconscious girl in our house?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's a long story."

My dad smiled. "We've got time."

Sorry that one was shorter. Well, it seems shorter to me. Be sure to vote and comment!

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