Chapter 17

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I wondered if I was in shock. I couldn't feel anything. I was numb.

But at the same time, emotions and feelings too strong to understand swirled through me. I was fighting the rage that would unleash itself on anyone standing in the way of me and my mate. Funny how, just hours ago, we were in each other's faces, yelling at each other. What if that was the last thing I ever said to Lyria? A new emotion coursed through me: shame.

Shame that I hadn't better approached Lyria. Shame that I let her go off on her own. Shame that I was probably responsible for her being hurt and in danger.

"-you okay? Cal?"

My mother's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back into the real world. Looking up, I saw the Inner Circle staring at me with concern. I glared, growling, "What?"

Uncle Cass said, "Jeez, kid. Just making sure you're still holding up. Not going crazy, are you?"

I rolled my eyes and ignored the slap Aunt Nesta gave him. Closing my eyes, I set my head on the table, too tired to stay upright. I barely got any sleep last night.

As if reading my mind, my mother asked, How much sleep did you get last night?

Almost none, I replied.

You can rest. We'll find Lyria.

Jerking up, I said, I'm not letting you do that by yourself. She's my mate. Does everyone else even realize why we're spending so much time looking for her?

Your father and I agreed to let you decide when to tell them. They can't very well disobey our orders. We don't usually pull rank, but seeing as this is important, we will if we have to.

Thank you.

You're my son. And one day, Lyria could potentially be my daughter-in-law.


She just laughed.


I decided not to tell the Inner Circle that Lyria was my mate. Of course, that may not change anything. They were all smart enough to put two and two together. But as Uncle Cass, Uncle Az, my father, and I buckled a miniature armory to our bodies, they didn't say anything relating to that.

If they were giving me space, I appreciated it. But I would have preferred if they just outright said they knew and spared me the lingering guilt by keeping this a secret. A BIG secret. If everyone knew Lyria was the mate to the heir of the Night Court, she'd have a target on her back.

I stared towards the sea, towards the cave with the portal where I had first seen Lyria. Back then, I hadn't really liked her, let alone wanted to help this strange fae who had interrupted my life. But now? Now, I was 90% sure I was in love with her.

It wasn't just because we found out we were mates. It was because every time I thought about not seeing her again (which was a lot), I wanted to throw up. I wanted to unleash my full power on everyone, to obliterate my enemies, to break down and cry. I didn't think this was normal to feel about just a friend.

Cauldron save me. I was losing my mind.

"Everyone ready to go?"

I turned to face my father. As we all nodded, he said to me, We'll find her. Even if we have to burn the world down in the process.

I smiled, hoping it didn't look more like a grimace. 

The males launched into the air, planning to scout the more remote regions of the Night Court. The females were looking for any signs of Lyria through the city and on the ground. We would only head to other courts if we were certain she wasn't here anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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