Chapter Two

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Hyacinth's world was fuzzy when she woke up. She had a dream she was being captured... 

Strange. she thought. My nest never felt like this! 

Her eyes opened.

Hyacinth was in a black stone cave, nowhere near the sun. NightWings flew around. A pile of sleeping RainWing dragonets were next to her. She must have fallen... Her scales turned a pale green. My dream was real? Oh my scales...

She mustered up the courage to say a squeaky 'Hello?' A NightWing dragonet flew down. She was lithe with dark green scales. 'Hi, dragonet. I am Trembleclaws.' Hyacinth looked down by instinct at her claws. They were rather shaky.

'Well, since you are the first one up... Oh, by the way, what's your name?'

'Hyacinth.' Hyacinth said, shaking.

'Come with me, Hyacinth.' Trembleclaws said.

They entered a room with gold and silver drops on the floor. Dragons sat down in rows. Hyacinth was shoved onto a large pillar made by time. 

'Welcome to the first auction. This beautiful RainWing called Hyacinth specimen is sold by none other than Prince Pollux! Very lithe, amazing wing quality, clean claws... Beautiful! And with that... we start the bidding at one cow!' Trembleclaws said in a loud voice.

Hyacinth's gaze was gliding to the navy blue one. 'He must be the Prince. The one who captured me...' she whispered.

'Two cows and a sloth!'

'Five cows!'

'Ten cows!!!'

'Fifteen cows, a fruit platter, a sloth and a scavenger!' somebody roared.

'Sold!' said Trembleclaws. 'Sold to Castor!'

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