Chapter Three

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Pollux? Who's that? Hyacinth thought. A dragon was slowly approaching her. He had blue scales and rather large wings.

'Congratulations, Pollux.' Trembleclaws said. 'Why did you want this RainWing?'

'She'd make a good friend for my daughter. I've seen her around the village. And she is a hard worker.' 

I HAVE seen him! Hyacinth thought. I recognise his wings. He hit me in the face with those once!

She couldn't help but giggle. 'Why are you giggling?' Pollux said harshly.

'I shouldn't really be giggling, I know. I'm sorry.' Hyacinth said sadly, realising her fate.

'You'd better be. Half-Moon will be happy with you. I want you looking your best.' Pollux replied.

Hyacinth sniffed.

The NightWing guards carried her to a large rock hollow. 'Half-Moon? I have a present!' Pollux said.

A white shape moved in the darkness of the cage. A ray of light in the dark. 'What, Dad?'

'A new friend!' Pollux said happily.

Half-Moon scrambled a little closer. She hissed a little when a ray of sun touched her wing. 'I'll come and check it out at night.' Half-Moon said, annoyed.

Then she scurried back into the depths.

The Shadows We Hideحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن