Parties Just Happen

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I take a deep breath of the morning air , I decided to take a walk around while waiting for the go ahead to finally go back to the guildhall , Erza has barred me from going there till she deems it appropriate . I decide to go to the center of town and check out the shops . After a half an hour walk I finally arrive . I went in and out  of most of the shops until I came across one that caught my eye . 'Magic Shop'  I instinctively head on into it . I look around at all the magic items , I then see the store clerk behind the counter . I walk up to him  with a friendly smile " Hello ,may I ask a question ?"  he returned the smile " Of course young man." I laugh nervously " Do you happen to have any Swords , weapons, or armor ?" ,I ask , he pondered for a bit. and then headed to the back waving me into the back to follow . He opened up a locked door and invited me in . I entered and saw one outfit  it was made out of animal pelt  , It was designed with a tube top like top and pelt pants   with bones piecing out every few inches ,  moccasin foot wear , and a tiger head dress. On the hips were claw like gauntlets. I smile "Does it have any magical properties ?" I ask , the clerk nods " Whoever wears natures rage armor is given the senses of  a beast , eyesight , hearing , smell ect.  The gauntlets have the ability to coat itself in poison , or sleeping liquid , depending on the wearer ." I laugh " I'll take it ." I say excitedly . After buying it I decide to take the outfit home . Once I arrive I find Erza waiting at my door looking impatient , when she sees me he gives me attitude "It is not polite to keep a lady waiting F/n , Where have you been ?" she questioned . I laughed "getting you a gift you ass." I fumble with my door and open it . She looks taken aback " A gift .... for me it cake ?" she asked . I shook my head , and place the boxes on the counter " Damn this is heavier then I thought ." I waved her to come in . She came in and shut the door , and walked next to me " Is all this for me ?" she asked , I nod "Yeah , sorry I didn't wrap it , I am still learning where everything is , So..... you can open it  now if you want ." She reached for  the boxes and began to open them , She pulled out the outfit and the gauntlets. and sat them out on the counter to see the full outfit . She looks at it quietly  causing me to think I mad her mad or upset her ."Erza ... I'm sorry if-" I was cut off by a quick and warming hug . "I love it F/n , but it must of cost so much ." I blush and wave it off " Don't worry about it , the cost is nothing as long as It makes you smile ." I say . she releases me  and looks into my eyes "How did I get so lucky to be paired with you ."  she said while touching my cheek with her hand . I then go bright red  "T...t..thanks Erza ." I smile . She notices this and chuckles " You are so sweet ." She kisses my cheek gently . My brain pretty much  overheats  as I avoid eye contact with her. " Um what's this thing you are doing for me ?" I ask , she jumps at the reminder "Oh ,right . Ill keep this here  ,and we need to get to the guild hall . " I nod and she grabs my hand and drags me there .

Time skip 

We arrive at the guildhall and before we open the door Erza turns around and faces me . " This is my gift to you F/n , A family that will never turn you away ." She then opens the door and I see Natsu, Happy , Lucy, Grey, Mira, Makarov ,and a few other guildmate that I haven't met yet . I run up and hug Erza without thinking ."Thank you , thank you so much Erza ." Tears began to fall from my eyes. She hugged me back gently . " Wow ...Erza does hugs?" Natsu said , "Yeah , that a new one ." Grey replied , Lucy slapped both of them in the head "She is human you know , besides look how happy she made him with this little surprise party ." Lucy said stating facts . "Aye!" Happy agreed. After I had calmed down I go to let go of Erza and she pulls me into another hug "I'm not done ." she said , Understanding this I hug her until she has had her fill.  she smiles and walks into the guild , I go to follow her , But I hit an invisible wall. "What the hell." say confused . I notice the entire guild hall is wrapped in a barrier .  Next a chain with a hook at the end of it hooks into my shoulder and pulls me back . Everyone in the guild turns and sees what's happening  , they try to break the barrier but it is too strong . 

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