In and Out of the Box

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Two weeks after my outburst and Erza telling me we are are together I decide to take a break from missions . I wake up on my couch and sit up to tapping on my door . I get up and open the door to see a letter laid on my door step . I look around to see who left it but saw no one around . I pick up the letter and open it and it reads as 

"Dear f/n, 

I am a concerned son for my father , his village is being ravaged by monsters . Sadly that is all the info I have on the monsters , I lost contact with my father several days ago and have become afraid for his safety .  The reason I have come to you instead of making a request to the guild is that I have no money to give , and if I go to the guild the request may get no takers seeing how most people only look at the jewel payout .  I know this maybe a lot to  but please help my father and his village . I ask not only as a member of this town but as a son worried about his father .

Thank you for reading , 

A concerned son    "

As I read the letter My heart was sore for this family , I smiled "You got yourself an S class Mage ." I say to myself . I go and pack up my bag and head to the guild . 

Time skip 

As I enter the guild I am welcomed by everyone  in fairy tail manner , An offer to fight , stripping Ice wizards , the works . I turn my gaze upon the small man on the bar , and he returns it . "Well if it isn't The shield of fairy tail . " he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes " Master I was wondering if I could have a moment ?" I asked , He gave me his full attention. "What is it my boy ?" , I pull out the letter and reads it . after a moment he looks at me with tears in his eyes ."And you want to take this mission ?" He asked , I nodded  "Fairy tail is my family and this town has accepted me as well , I owe it to the people to help out when I can ."As I explain this master jumps up and hugs me " You truly are a shield for those who can not defend themselves . I am so proud of you F/n ." he says this causing me to blush slightly  " T.thank you master ." I say with a small stream of tears staining my face .  I smile to cover it up . "I will be leaving after this master , I will be taking this mission alone since Erza is out on a mission herself ." Master nods and waves for me to go , I nod back to him and get on my way . 

Time skip   

As I entered the small village  I notice a lack of people . I walk up to some of the houses and knock on the doors , but no one answers . As I look closer I notice small claw marks on the bottoms of the doors . " These are small marks , but there are a lot , Maybe a pack of smaller animals ." I say to myself out loud . I begin to hear sobbing , I track the sound to an older man in a small shack near the center of town. As I approached him ,he panicked and pointed a knife at me . I throw my hands up " Wow wow wow I am  a fairy tail wizard , I was hired to help your village ." I explained , He looked at me with tears in his eyes dropping the knife  . " Oh thank goodness ." I went over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder . " I got you , Now explain the situation ."  I said , The man took a breath "A man came to town a few weeks ago , at first he  was quiet ,but ... he began acting strange .  Then he went into the center of the town and opened a box and all these beasts flew out . " his tears began to flow more " They began to attack and bite and claw everyone . Once they were bit or clawed they were sucked into the box and more of these beasts appeared in there place ." he explained , I sighed "This will complicate things ."I think to myself . Suddenly a growling could be heard , I rolled and sent a screen guillotine at beast running towards us from behind . I look to the man " Run and do not look back ." as I said this he was attacked  and bit and disappeared in a small beam of light . I send out a body sized barrier and ran towards the village center . As I did I saw dozens of beasts coming after me . I increase my strength, and fit the barrier to form fit around my body , I begin punching  and kicking , destroying the creatures. Once at the center of town A man in a cloak was seen standing over an open box . "Are you the one who started this trouble ?     I ask in a slight growl . The man turns to me and laughs " Of course I am ." he said  with a twisted smirk . "I'm happy you could make it F/n ." He says freezing me in place "It was a trap ,This guy on his own . There has to be more to it .....The old man said people go in , beasts come out  . " I think to myself . "Where are the people , or were they turned into these ...things ?" I asked , he rolled his eyes "You are such a buzz kill , no who are you , how do you know me , nothing ....... Fine I'll put your little fairy tail heart at ease . They are in the box, this is a pocket dimension I control. For every live creature   that enters I get a beast in return , It is my holder magic The box of  bestiary." he says while motioning the creatures to attack me . I keep my barrier up punching and kicking them away . "uh uh uh  Better not do that F/n , If the creature dies so does the person they swapped with , they are connected . " he boasts , I stop and just evade the attacks " Shit ....what now , I have to get that box , or him  . "  I think to my self " Aw what's wrong F/n , no way to protect , no way to fight , no way to win . Give up and let me add you to my collection of useless creatures . " I growl at him " I am going to hurt you ." . He laughs at my threat "You can try N/n." I trip over myself . "What did you call me ?"I ask , he smiled " I called you N/n , my brother ." he removed his cloak hood to reveal Draken your brother .

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