Part 1: Purgatory

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You're in purgatory. You should've known. You're a monster and that's where monsters go. When Dean killed you, you embraced yourself for what was coming next. Purgatory. A place made especially for you. A personal hell just for your kind. Vampires, werewolves, skinwalkers, dragons and many other creatures lived there.

You had always imagined purgatory having flames and fire and darkness. Well, you got one thing right for sure. It was dark, but no fire. Just lots of blood. And it was nothing but woods. A giant wooded area where you could do nothing but wander. Wander and watch. The creatures that lurked in these woods had heard about your arrival and were more than happy to throw you a welcome party. A blood-soaked welcome party.

You had arrived here with nothing but the clothes on your back. Defenseless. Things attacked you left and right, but Dean had taught you how to fight. They wanted nothing more than to get ahold of a Winchester's companion, especially a girlfriend. Most of these monsters were more than likely brought here by the boys, so revenge was definitely sweet for them. They wanted nothing more than to hurt you, but that wasn't an option for you anymore.


You were sitting on a large rock boulder, taking a break from running from a group of werewolves. Your head darts up and you fly to your feet and go into fighting position.

"Who are you?" you spit out.

"I ain't gonna hurt you," he says, walking around you.

You never take your eyes off of him. What game is he playing?

"I know Dean."

Your hands fall and you stare at him, awestruck.

"What? How!?"

He puts his hands up, gesturing that he was harmless.

"I met him down here. He was searching for a friend and got me instead," he said with a low laugh.

You're speechless.

"He talked about you a lot."

You feel your lips curl up in a smile.

"Always mentioned a girl name (y/n), and when I heard someone friends with the Winchesters was here named (y/n), I knew it was you."

You feel your eyes tear up at the thought of Dean still thinking about you even in such a horrible place.

"Benny," he says holding out his hand.

"My name's Benny."

You look at his a hand and slowly reach to shake it. He smiles and pulls out his knife and you take a step back. He shakes his head and is staring behind you.

"Don't worry darlin'. I ain't gonna hurt you, but for the wolves behind you, now that's a different story."

Now you hear them. The sound of feet hitting the ground at full force made you come back to reality. Benny reaches out and takes your hand.

"We need to go! Now!"

And with that, you two ran for safety.

You've only been here for four days, but it felt like months. You and Benny had found a spot behind a bush that hid you from the woods. You were sat cross-legged and talking about your lives.

"So," you start.

"What are you?"

He looks up and smiles, showing tiny white fangs slide down from his gums. You nod and then open your mouth to reveal your tiny white fangs. He smiles and grabs a stick laying on the ground and begins sharpening it with his knife.

"So how does the man who kills vamps for a living fall in love with one?"

You look down and play with a leaf.

"I wasn't one when we met. I was turned by my, by my ex."

Just then you look up to Benny and your eyes go wide.

"Oh God! He's here! Isn't he? He was a vampire and this is where vampires go!"

You start hyperventilating and Benny takes your face in his hands.

"Hey, hey. Listen to me. He ain't gonna hurt you. I damn well guarantee that."

His reassuring voice had calmed you down. You nodded your head and attempted to calm down your heart. He watches you as he goes back to carving. Seconds pass before either of you talk.

"How did you-"

You pause to find the right word.

"Die and end up here?"

You look up and sadly nod.

"Well, I was here when Dean got here. Way before he got here. My back story is too long and complicated, so let's not get into that."

You nod your head knowing that he obviously didn't want to talk about it.

"I met Dean and helped him find his friend. Dean found a way out and we went back upstairs. Then," he pauses and looked down.

"Then?" you ask, curious. "

Then he needed someone to go back to purgatory and I helped him. In order to save his brother, I let him kill me."

Your eyes are wide as you listen to his heroic story. "

And you know what?" he asks.

"I'd do it again."

You see tears pool in his eyes.

"We're going to get out. I promise," you say.

He smiles and shakes his head.

"I belong here."

"No!" you exclaimed.

"Monsters belong here, and Benny, you are no monster."

He smiles and looks down. He holds up the stick he's been working on this whole time. The once dull end is now super sharp.

"In case if you're in trouble," he says as he hands it to you.

Years have passed, or at least that's how it felt. You and Benny have managed to fight off anything that comes your way. You two make a good team. Now you know why Dean liked him. Dean. A second never goes by that you don't think of him.

"Look out!" Benny yells, interrupting your thoughts.

You turn around and see a vampire charging at you. You take the end of your stick and forcefully plunge it into his stomach. You rip it out and help Benny fight off the rest. There's so many. You're outnumbered. You two are back to back, swinging in whichever direction.

One vampire grabs your arm and swings you to the ground. You scream as he aims the knife for your heart. Benny runs to your help as he slams the knife into the vamps back. He lets out a loud scream and collapses. You jump up and continue fighting. The vampires stand in front of you two and slowly walk forward. You look up to Benny and look in his eyes. He slowly nods at you, a sign of 'everything's going to be okay'.

Just as the vampires get close, a loud sound makes them turn around. The wall of bodies makes it hard for the two of you to see what they were looking at. It must not be good since a majority of them manage to run away, as the other half weren't so lucky. A large flash of blue light radiated. You and Benny looked away, the light was so bright. When it was over, you peak away to see one by one the bodies fall to the ground.

Their eyes were burned out from their heads. It was a horrific scene. You look beyond them and see a figure of a man. He was staring at you.

"(Y/n)?" he asks.

You look at him then to Benny, who looks as shocked as you.

"Who are you. What are you?" you ask, looking at the bodies.

You've never seen a monster do this. Then he speaks once more.

"My name is Castiel and I'm here to take you home."

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