Chapter 3

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The candelabra flickered with a weak light and shadows danced around the cold room as I sat upright. The alarm clock on my bedside cabinet read 7 am. I walked quietly into the bathroom across the freezing flagstones. I leant against the porcelain sink and observed my reflection in the harsh mirror. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. The green of my orbs had a sheen over them still giving me the appearance of someone who had spaced out. My red hair stuck up all over the place and tangled on top of my head so I looked as if I were wearing a birds nest. I sniffed hopelessly. I let my night dress pool at my feet and stepped into the shower. Twisting the tap to the left I sighed as the warm spray washed over me. Memories of last night washed over me. The feeling of all their eyes on me had made my skin crawl then and now I scrubbed desperately at my arms trying to make it stop. My skin was tingling and red by the time I stopped. I turned the water to freezing to wake me up and squealed as the icy water poured over my flushed skin. Quickly, I shut it off and stepped out wrapping a towel around myself. "Are you okay?"

"Eep." I jumped and turned to the door where a small face surrounded by a dark bob had appeared. "You made a noise. Are you okay?" I blushed embarrassed.

"I let erm the water go cold and erm it was really really cold." I stuttered wrapping the towel tighter. "Sorry I'm Pansy Parkinson and I know who you are Hyacynthia." she smiled warmly. "Oh erm yes I suppose but could you call me Thia." Pansy nodded and pulled her head out the bathroom. I relaxed and released my breath. I leant against the stone wall for a moment before vigorously rubbing myself dry and dressing in my robes. I exited the bathroom leaving it vacant for Pansy and began to reach for my Emerald covers when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned quickly. "Is this your cat?" asked the girl holding up Lilith. I took her out the girl's hands and stroked her softly. "Yes her name is Lilith." I replied quietly.

"My cat's around here somewhere. She's called Tabby because she's a tabby. I'm Millicent by the way. Millicent Bulstrode" she replied and held out her hand to me. Adjusting my hold on Lilith, I shook her hand. "Thia." I answered. I turned back around and set down my cat and began making my bed. The silky sheets hindered my abilities but I persevered and neatly placed the velvet cover in place with my nightdress folded at the bottom. Millicent had already dressed so when Pansy finished in the bathroom the three of us made our way to the common room. Draco Crabbe and Goyle were all stood there apparently waiting.

"Hyacynthia." waved Draco

"It's just Thia thanks." I responded. Draco shrugged.

"Okay. Let's go get breakfast I'm starving." we walked up to the great hall. I could feel everyones eyes on me as I walked to the Slytherin table but with Draco's friendly arm around me and Pansy to my right it didn't seem so scary. As we passed the Gryffindor table I thought I saw one of the twins' eyes narrow at Draco's arm being around me but brushed it off as my usual overthinking. I sat down at the green table and a plate of toast appeared before me. It was perfectly golden and dripping with butter but nerves removed my appetite and I could only nibble at it savouring each tiny bite. Draco frowned as I put down my half finished toast. Then a very large mug of tea appeared before me and I quickly downed it. I had been craving caffeine but I despised coffee so I drank an unhealthy amount of tea. Draco chuckled at me and I frowned fiercely at him. He held up his hands in mock surrender and I couldn't help but giggle. I set down my empty cup and a moment later all the food disappeared. A hurricane of owls swooped down dropping a single sheet of paper in front of each pupil but Draco's landed square on his head. Pansy and I burst out laughing at his infuriated expression. "My father will here about this!" he exclaimed which made us both laugh harder. "Daddy's boy much." giggled Pansy and we were both wheezing as his face steadily turned red and he grabbed the sheet of paper. "Ugh it's our time table and we have potions first. At least it's with our head of house maybe he will be partial to us." I shrugged.

Pansy and I hurried back to the dorms to grab our books and satchel and rushed back out to meet Draco and head to potions class. "What's the potions master's name?" I asked as we hurried through the throngs of students. "Professor Snape." responded Draco and we continued squeezing through any and all gaps to get down the corridor. My stomach felt like a washing machine as I worried about my first class. Suddenly, we were there and we walked through the big back door into the potions classroom. I sat down next to Draco and Millicent and Pansy sat next to each other one row in front of us. Professor Snape stood at the front of his class with his piercing black eyes completely focused on me!

I squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze . I turned to Draco so I didn't have to meet his eyes but I could still feel his eyes on me and when I glanced back his head was tilted slightly to the side as if he were studying me.

Just then my brother burst through the door with Ron in tow. Snape's attention immediately turned to him. "Ah look the celebrity. How kind of you to grace us with your presence." he sneered maliciously "Now sit."

Ron and Harry sat and I felt a burst of sympathy for my twin.

Well let me know what you think I guess. And if you're reading this thanks for reading my atrocious attempt at fanfiction.

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