Chapter 4

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I attempted to catch my twins eye but he resolutely ignored me. Dispirited I turned back to the front of the room. Snape began to ask a number of questions chiefly to Harry and mocking him almost cruelly and I felt myself fill with anger on behalf of my brother. The lesson went on and I discovered that despite Snape's staring I quite enjoyed the class and felt I did rather well. As we began to pack away I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Miss Potter." it was Snape. Dread filled me and I swallowed. "I need to speak with you for a moment. Follow me." nervously I followed him to the supply room.

Snape was looking at me with tears shining in his eyes. "You look just like Lily." he whispered. I stared at him unsure of how to respond. "I'm sorry. I knew your mother and she was once a good friend of mine I miss her a great deal and you look identical to her." he gathered himself. "Not a word of this to anyone." I nodded. Snape swept from the room in a flurry of robes and I followed  slowly. That was confusing as hell and I didn't like Snape his mood swings were worse than Aunt Petunia's. I didn't trust him in the slightest.

"What was that about?" asked Draco as we navigated the corridors. I shrugged. He gave me a questioning look. "I think he knew my parents." I said passively. 

"Oh." was all he replied.

*********************Time skip brought to you by Dobby and his many socks.*******************

It had been a week and I still hadn't spoken to Harry. He blanked me in the corridors and generally avoided me. Draco threatened to hex him for me after he found me crying down by the lake one afternoon. He had been really sweet about everything and was probably my best friend. I was getting used to the whispers to. Now was our first flying lesson. Draco was constantly bagging about being an amazing flyer but I was kind of nervous.

"Now everyone put their hand over their broom and say UP. When you're ready." shouted Madam Hooch. There was a chorus of ups. "UP." I said calmly and the broom jumped to straight to my hand as did Harry's. Draco took two tries but was soon holding his. "Okay now everyone mount your brooms and push gently upwards." commanded Madam Hooch. I rose up by the tree with Neville on my other side. He began to rise uncontrollably and then he slipped hanging from his broom. His shoe was loose and I knew it was about to fall on my head. Instinctively, I pulled a short branch from the tree and as it fell I hit it up at the tail of the broom. It hit exactly and Neville shot back to the ground and tumbled off the broom. "Everyone down." called Madam Hooch. "Madam Hooch, may I borrow Miss Potter a moment." It was Snape, robes billowing in the wind. "Be my guest. None of you are to get onto your brooms until I come back anyone who does will be expelled." she swept away carrying Neville.

I followed Snape away from my classmates. He lead me silently to the greenhouses. "Am I in trouble?" I asked tentatively. 

"No." he answered in a monotone. Stepping into the greenhouse "Miss Sprout I need Flint for a moment." A tall boy stepped out of the greenhouse. His black hair was greasy and he was in serious need of braces. Did wizards have braces? I wondered. I recognised him as a Slytherin. "This is Marcus Flint. Flint this is Hyacynthia Potter and she will be your new beater."

"What?!" he exclaimed "She's a girl and there's never been a girl on the Slytherin  quidditch team. "I don't care she will be an excellent beater and I'll book the quidditch pitch for 6 pm tonight and you will teach her how to play."

"But professor she's a first year." he complained.

"That won't be an issue. Both of you may return to lesson." he swept away back to the castle. Flint looked me over and grunted before walking back to his class. I looked towards where my class was and saw Draco and Harry on their brooms floating high in the air. I rushed towards them feet pounding against the dirt track. Then Harry dived and Draco whizzed back to the ground. My brother pulled out of the dive a few metres above the ground with Neville's remembrall clutched in his hand. "Harry are you okay?" I called running to him.  He glared at me "Your snake of a friend is a bully you know." he glowered at me. I glared straight back.

"Your angry just because I'm in Slytherin? It's not a choice you know I have been with you for 11 years but because I wear green and you wear red we aren't family anymore?" Harry didn't respond. "Yeah," I sneered "Get back to me when you have gotten over your holier than thou attitude because I'm not putting up with you being a prat." I stormed over to Draco. He opened his arms as if waiting for a hug. I punched him straight in the solar plexus. He doubled over wheezing. "Don't bully people. I'm not gonna be friends with someone like that." I really didn't want to lose my twin and best friend in one fell swoop but I wasn't gonna let people walk all over me anymore. Then Draco did the thing that surprised me the most he walked past Madam Hooch who was berating my brother and walked over to Neville who had returned with her. "I'm sorry." he said and walked back to me as McGonogall came hurrying out the castle and took my brother with her back in.

"Class dismissed." yelled Madam Hooch and Draco and walked off to the common room as we had no more lessons. "What did Snape want you for?" asked Draco as we sat on the sofa in the common room. "He wants me to be a beater on the quidditch team. I have practise tonight." Draco choked on his drink. "What?!"he spluttered. "You are gonna be the first girl on the Slytherin team ever and the youngest. That's amazing." I smiled.

"Can you explain it to me so I don't look like a complete moron tonight." I asked. He smirked and launched into a huge explanation as I sat back and too it all in.

Hope you guys enjoyed it will try to update regularly let me know what you think.

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