Chapter 5

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I stood on the quidditch pitch shivering slightly. Flint strode toward me. He shoved a set of clothes into my hands. "Changing rooms." he grunted waving a hand to his left. I went inside and pulled on the warm green wooly jumper, black trousers and brown leather pads. I walked back out trembling with nerves and from the cold. He looked me up and down and sneered "You're a bloody twig how Snape thought you could be a beater." My expression hardened. I didn't like when I wasn't taken seriously. "You understand quidditch?" he asked sullenly. I nodded sharply "Draco explained it to me.". He huffed "Alright so you understand what your role is?" 

"Yes." I replied determined not to let my fear show. Flint handed me a smooth mahogany bat with a sturdy leather grip and held out a broom to me. "It's my old one." he stated in a monotone. I mounted it without complaint holding the bat steadily and hovering in a controlled manner about 6 metres in the air. Without warning, Flint released the bludger and it soared towards. I whacked it hard towards the stands watching it bounce off the wooden seating. It came back round for another go and now Flint was on his broom flying to my left. I forcefully smacked the bludger towards his smirking sexist face knocking him clean off his broom. I let my broom float back down to ground and as the bludger came back I jumped on it wrestling it to the ground and back into its casing. Flint looked at me smiling for the first time. His nose was bloody and his right eye was blacking yet he continued to grin like a maniac. "Perfect." he whispered. "Bloody perfect. They'll never see you coming. I was wrong your gonna be great. The first game is tomorrow so get some sleep." he walked up to the castle still beaming like a cat that got the cream.

I changed before heading back to the common room as it was supposed to be a secret. I went to sleep easily and woke up at 6am as the dawn light filtered through the small windows. I was sick with nerves again. I lay in bed long after the girls had gone. I didn't get dressed until 8am and the cool material of the uniform rubbed against my flushed skin. I sat miserably in the common room. Draco rushed through and sat down next to me holding out a slice of toast. I smiled weakly and nibbled at it but I knew if I ate anymore I'd be sick. Wordlessly, he lead me down to the changing rooms and left to get an early seat.

Flint clapped me on the back and handed me my broom. "This is our newest member. Hyacynthia Potter is gonna be our new beater." I cringed at my full name. The boys looked confusedly at me. "Can you just call me Thia." I groaned. "Ok," responded Flint. "Warrington and Cassius and I are chasers, Higgs is the seeker, Bletchley is the keeper and you and Bole are beaters now lets go beat the Gryffindors. The boys cheered loudly. I rolled my eyes at the testosterone fueled out burst.

We marched out onto the pitch. "There have been some changes to the line up this year for both teams." yelled Lee Jordan from the commentators box. "Slytherin, for the first time ever are letting a girl on the team. Hyacynthia Potter is playing as a beater?!" a murmur ran through the crowds and Flint smirked. "And Harry Potter is Gryffindor's new seeker replacing the legendary Charlie Weasley. I think we are gonna see some sibling rivalry here folks." I surveyed the red team. Harry was scowling fiercly, the girls were whispering and the twin that kept catching my eye had his jaw gaping in disbelief. Both twins clutched beaters bats and I smirked. This was gonna be fun. Mounting our brooms and we were off.

A bludger was sent my way by a twin and I hit towards one of their chasers causing her to drop the quaffle; Katie according to Lee Jordan. A twin hit a bludger towards my head and I ducked watching it soar above me and nearly knock  gryffindor chaser off her broom. "Fred Weasley nearly unseated Alicia Spinnet with a bludger aiming for Hyacynthia Potter." called Lee Jordan dramatically. Fred blushed. I quickly realised that Fred was number five. That was one way to tell the apart.

"The snitch." yelled Jordan startling me "Harry Potter has seen the snitch. Desperately, I whacked a bludger at my twin. It hit him full force in the back sending him tumbling from his broom about 3ft to the ground. He landed on all fours nad began to retch. "He's gonna be sick." someone screamed. "First he lost control of his broom now he's gonna be sick." said Bole howling with laughter. I watched worriedly. Suddenly, he held his hand up in the air. "Harry Potter has caught the snitch winning the game for Gryffindor." yelled Jordan triumphantly. "He didn't catch it he nearly swallowed it." stormed Flint. My brother was carried off the pitch on the shoulders of his team mates. I smiled slightly, seeing him so happy. I touched down and decided to go down to the lake for a while before changing.

I sat trailing my hand in the water idly. It was a gorgeous day and the grass was a vibrant green. I felt a tingle down my spine as if I were being watched. Turning around I saw Fred Weasley leaning against a willow tree. He blushed red. "Erm, I like to come down here." he stammered. I raised my eyebrows. "You did good today erm I can go."

"Stay if you like." I said ignoring my stomach that was tying itself in knots. Silently, he sat down beside me on the grassy bank. Neither of us said anything for a moment. "Is it hard?" he asked abruptly. "Is what hard?" I asked. As if a dam in his brain had broken a garbled tirade of questions flowed out. "You lost your parents how were you brought up? You aren't with your twin I can't imagine how much it must hurt? Do you miss the muggle world? Was all this a shock? Does your scare hurt sometimes? Are you dating anyone? Did I really just say that?" I giggled at his flustered expression. "I was raised by my aunt and uncle and they weren't very nice. I miss being around Harry but he's being a prat. Muggle world is interesting and this is all kind of like a dream. I'm not dating anyone." I added the last part in a semi whisper and we both blushed.

We sat in silence the rest of the evening and wordlessly headed back together as the sunset over the horizon. It became a routine. We would sit outside from 6pm to 8pm rain or shine in utter silence as the next few months passed in a blissful blur.

erm enjoy and let me know what you think

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